Externe Monographien
Informal care by close family members is the main pillar of most longterm care systems. However, due to demographic ageing the need for long-term care is expected to increase while the informal care potential is expected to decline. From a budgetary perspective, informal care is often viewed as a cost-saving alternative to subsidized formal care. This view, however neglects that many family carers ...
Essen [u.a.]:
RWI [u.a.],
30 S.
(Ruhr Economic Papers ; 584)
| Johannes Geyer, Peter Haan, Thorben Korfhage
Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 3 / 2015
During the Greek crisis the wealth tax on real estate (WTRE) was increased four-fold as a percentage of GDP in order to boost fiscal revenues. This increase contributed to an essentially complete freeze of the real estate market, a considerable drop in real estate prices, and a substantial deepening of the recession. Using conservative assumptions, we calculate that the WTRE increases unemployment ...
2015| Dimitris Christelis
Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 3 / 2015
Greece has the largest underground economy in the eurozone and one of the largest in Europe and the OECD countries. On the other hand, Greece is notoriously known for its sizable and widespread tax evasion primarily because of the large number of self employed and its wide geographical distribution. As documented by many studies, the two depend on a corrupted, inefficient and ineffective public administration. ...
2015| Gregory T. Papanikos
Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 3 / 2015
While Greece’s poor record on investment and exports predates the crisis, the deep economic recession has made addressing long-standing weaknesses a priority. This paper takes a closer look at selected structural reforms that are critical for bolstering investments and exports in Greece. We investigate the areas of licensing, competition, professions, land use, and trade facilitation. In all areas ...
2015| Kaspar Richter, Gabriele Giudice, Angelo Cozzi
Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 3 / 2015
The historic decision at the Euro Summit on July 12, 2015, to continue supporting Greece as a member of the EU and the euro family, provided Greece the chance to return to growth and sustainability, provided it takes the necessary steps to continue with its reforms. Jointly the Greek government with its partners (European Commission, European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund), agreed ...
2015| Vasiliki Bozani, Nick Drydakis
Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 3 / 2015
Greece went into recession in 2009, after a decade of flourishing economic growth fluctuating annually around 4 percent; over the same period the average growth for theEU-27 was just about 2 percent. The economic downturn had a series of adverse effects on the economy and the health sector. More specifically, over the 2008–2015 period, GDP was reduced by 29.5 percent, wages were reduced by 35–45 percent, ...
2015| Platon Yvantopoulos, John Yvantopoulos
DIW Wochenbericht 28 / 2014
Eine der Hauptaufgaben in dieser Legislaturperiode besteht in der Neuordnung der föderalen Finanzbeziehungen zum Jahr 2020. Es geht um viel Geld: Im Jahr 2013 sind im Rahmen des Finanzausgleichs knapp 14 Prozent des letztlich den Ländern zufließenden Steueraufkommens umverteilt worden. Das bestehende System ist historisch gewachsen, höchst komplex und in sich verschachtelt. Der aufgestaute Änderungsbedarf ...
2014| Marius Bickmann, Kristina van Deuverden
DIW Wochenbericht 28 / 2014
DIW Berlin - Politikberatung kompakt 86 / 2014
2014| Sebastian Dullien, Ferdinand Fichtner, Peter Haan, Laslo Jaeger, Max Jansen, Richard Ochmann, Erik Tomasch
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
This paper provides a study of bond yield differentials among EU government bonds on the basis of a unique data set of issue spreads in the US and DM (Euro) bond market between 1993 and 2009. Interest differentials between bonds issued by EU countries and Germany or the USA contain risk premiums which increase with fiscal imbalances and depend negatively on the issuer's relative bond market size. The ...
Journal of International Money and Finance
31 (2012), 5, S. 975-995
| Kerstin Bernoth, Jürgen von Hagen, Ludger Schuknecht