Little is known about the individual location behaviour of self-employed entrepreneurs. This paper investigates the geographical mobility behaviour of self-employed entrepreneurs, as compared to employees, thereby shedding new light onto the place embeddedness of self-employment. It examines whether self-employed entrepreneurs are "rooted" in place and also whether those who are more rooted in place ...
U.S. shale gas production is generally expected to continue its fast rise of the last years. However, a cautious evaluation is needed. Shale gas resources are potentially overestimated and it is uncertain to what extent they can be economically produced. The adverse environmental effects of ever more wells being drilled may lead to a fall in public acceptance and the strengthening of U.S. regulation. ...
Kommunale Infrastrukturunternehmen stehen vor gewaltigen Herausforderungen. Zu erhöhtem Kostensenkungsdruck und verschärften Wettbewerbs- und Regulierungsvorschriften kommen weitreichende energie- und klimapolitische Zielsetzungen sowie Anforderungen durch den demografischen Wandel. Kostensenkende Erwartungen durch Privatisierungen haben sich vielfach nicht erfüllt. Neue Lö...
Municipal infrastructure firms are facing major challenges. On the one hand, they are operating under an increased pressure to reduce costs due to growing intensive competition and shifting regulatory processes. On the other hand, they have to fulfill new environmental requirements that result from new energy and climate policy objectives and demographic changes. Recent privatizations have not...
Drawing on representative household data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we examine the role of an early precursor of entrepreneurial development - parental role models - for the individual decision to become self-employed in the post-unified Germany. The findings suggest that the socialist regime significantly damaged this mechanism of an intergenerational transmission of entrepreneurial attitudes ...
The paper analyzes the gender pay gap in private-sector management positions based on German panel data and using fixed-effects models. It deals with the effect of occupational sex segregation on wages, and the extent to which wage penalties for managers in predominantly female occupations are moderated by firm size. Drawing on economic and organizational approaches and the devaluation of women's work, ...