This article investigates the impact of weather-related disasters on inflation in the euro area over the period 1996–2021. Using a panel structural vector autoregression approach, we explore whether weather-related disasters have a significant and persistent effect on inflation, as well as the role that demand-side and supply-side channels play as drivers of inflation. We also analyse the heterogeneous ...
This paper re-evaluates the US external deficit which has considerably widened over the 1990s. US safe asset provision to the rest of the world is the dominant explanation for the persistent nature of the US external deficit. We suggest that apart from the safe asset hypothesis, there is an important role for technology shocks originating in US multinational companies that have a strong foreign direct ...
We examine how competition affects VAT pass-through in isolated oligopolistic markets as defined by the Greek islands. Using daily gasoline prices and a difference-in-differences methodology, we investigate how changes in VAT rates are passed through to consumers in islands with different market structure. We show that pass-through increases with competition, going from 50% in monopoly to around 80% ...
This paper analyses the pass-through rates and their determinants of the temporary German fuel discount in 2022 at its start and its termination. Based on a unique dataset of fuel station characteristics and prices, we employ a Regression Discontinuity in Time (RDiT) methodology to estimate heterogeneous pass-through rates. Our main contribution is to identify the impact of horizontal and vertical ...
This paper provides the most comprehensive assessment of how fuel taxation reduces climate and pollution externalities with a quasi-experimental evaluation of the world’s largest environmental tax reform. Leveraging multiple causal inference methods, we compare carbon and air pollutant emissions of the actual and counterfactual German transport sector following the 1999 eco-tax reform and demonstrate ...
DIW-Studie untersucht, wie sich Eigentümerstrukturen deutscher börsennotierter Unternehmen entwickelt haben – Nach der Finanzkrise haben fast alle der 25 größten deutschen Firmen im S&P Europe 350 gemeinsame Anteilseigner, meist US-Vermögensverwalter – Zunehmende Dichte der Eigentumsstrukturen wirft wettbewerbsrechtliche Fragen auf Seit der globalen Finanzkrise haben sich die Eigentümerstrukturen ...