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874 Ergebnisse, ab 761
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    National-Strategic Investment in European Power Transmission Capacity

    The transformation of the European electricity system requires substantial investment in transmission capacity to facilitate cross-border trade and to efficiently integrate renewable energy sources. However, network planning in the EU is still mainly a national prerogative. In contrast to other studies aiming to identify the pan-European (continental) welfare-optimal transmission expansion, we investigate ...

    In: European Journal of Operational Research 247 (2015), 1, S. 191-203 | Daniel Huppmann, Jonas Egerer
  • Diskussionspapiere 1410 / 2014

    Small Might Be Beautiful, but Bigger Performs Better: Scale Economies in "Green" Refurbishments of Apartment Housing

    The energy efficiency of the residential housing stock plays a key role in strategies to mitigate climate change and global warming. In this context, it is frequently argued that private investment and the quality of thermal upgrades is too low in the light of the challenges faced and the potential energy cost savings. While many authors address the potential barriers for investors to increase energy ...

    2014| Claus Michelsen, Sebastian Rosenschon, Christian Schulz
  • Externe Monographien

    Spatial Dependence and Spatial Heterogeneity in the Analysis of Regional Economic Performance and House Price Developments: Dissertation

    When analyzing economic aspects at regional levels, the spatial dimension of the data plays a crucial role. This is the case as spatial data and models are often characterized by two spatial effects, namely spatial dependence and spatial heterogeneity. The field of spatial econometrics is a separate field in econometrics that explicitly incorporates these spatial effects into econometric models. Following ...

    Berlin: Freie Univ. Berlin, FB Wirtschaftswiss., 2013, XXX, 103 S. | Katharina Pijnenburg
  • Diskussionspapiere 1330 / 2013

    They Played the Merger Game: A Retrospective Analysis in the UK Videogames Market

    We study the effect of a merger in a dynamic high-technology industry-the videogame market- which is characterized by frequent introduction of new products. To assess the impact of the merger between two large specialist retailers in the UK, we perform a difference-in-differences analysis comparing the price evolution of the merging parties to that of their 7 major competitors on an original sample ...

    2013| Luca Aguzzoni, Elena Argentesi, Paolo Buccirossi, Lorenzo Ciari, Tomaso Duso, Massimo Tognoni, Cristiana Vitale
  • Diskussionspapiere 1270 / 2013

    The Spatial Dimension of US House Price Developments

    Spatial heterogeneity and spatial dependence are two well established aspects of house price developments. However, the analysis of differences in spatial dependence across time and space has not gained much attention yet. In this paper we jointly analyze these three aspects of spatial data. We apply a panel smooth transition regression model that allows for heterogeneity across time and space in spatial ...

    2013| Katharina Pijnenburg
  • Diskussionspapiere 1185 / 2012

    Evidence of Market Power in the Atlantic Steam Coal Market Using Oligopoly Models with a Competitive Fringe

    Before 2004 South Africa was the dominant steam coal exporter to the European market. However a new market situation with rising global demand and prices makes room for a new entrant: Russia. The hypothesis investigated in this paper is that the three incumbent dominant firms located in South Africa and Colombia reacted to that new situation by exerting market power and withheld quantities from the ...

    2012| Clemens Haftendorn
  • Weitere referierte Aufsätze

    Liquidity and Asset Prices: How Strong Are the Linkages?

    The appropriate design of monetary policy in integrated financial markets is one of the most challenging areas for central banks. One hot topic is whether the increase in liquidity has contributed to the formation of price bubbles in asset markets in the years preceding the financial crisis. If linkages are strong, the inclusion of asset prices in the monetary policy rule may limit speculative runs ...

    In: Review of Economics & Finance (2011), 1, S. 43-52 | Christian Dreger, Jürgen Wolters
  • Diskussionspapiere 1166 / 2011

    Renewable Electric Energy Integration: Quantifying the Value of Design of Markets for International Transmission Capacity

    Integrating large quantities of supply-driven renewable electricity generation remains a political and operational challenge. One of the main obstacles in Europe to installing at least 200 GWs of power from variable renewable sources is how to deal with the insufficient network capacity and the congestion that will result from new flow patterns. We model the current methodology for controlling congestion ...

    2011| Karsten Neuhoff, Rodney Boyd, Thilo Grau, Julian Barquin, Francisco Echavarren, Janusz Bialek, Chris Dent, Christian von Hirschhausen, Benjamin Hobbs, Friedrich Kunz, Hannes Weigt, Christian Nabe, Georgios Papaefthymiou, Christoph Weber
  • DIW Wochenbericht 42 / 2014

    Ein Atomkraftwerk in Hinkley Point: das Ende des europäischen Binnenmarkts? Kommentar

    2014| Christian von Hirschhausen
  • Diskussionspapiere 1418 / 2014

    FTR Allocations to Ease Transition to Nodal Pricing: An Application to the German Power System

    A shift from zonal pricing to smaller zones and nodal pricing improves efficiency and security of system operation. Resulting price changes do however also shift profits and surplus between and across generation and load. As individual actorscan lose, they might oppose any reform. We explore how free allocation of financial transmission rights to generation and load can be used to mitigate the distributional ...

    2014| Friedrich Kunz, Karsten Neuhoff, Juan Rosellón
874 Ergebnisse, ab 761