This article introduces eleven research articles that connect concepts of technological relatedness and diffusion with the transformation of industrial and innovation systems. These studies focus on the role of knowledge spillovers, regional variations in innovation and performance, and the evolution of new technologies, such as green and digital technologies. Regional capabilities and ability to diversify ...
In this perspective paper we discuss major trends that will shape the internationalisation of business R&D in the future. New scientific discoveries will provide new opportunities to innovate; the growing scientific capabilities in emerging economies will create new hot spots for relevant knowledge; new research activities will emerge from the need to combat climate change; digital technologies including ...
In the workshop on entrepreneurship and management at DIW Berlin, scientists discuss research results from the areas of entrepreneurship, innovation and management. The two-day event includes presentations and discussions on entrepreneurial human capital, the impact of technological progress on companies, strategies for the resilience of startups and the dynamics of innovation.
Predicting entrepreneurial development based on individual and business-related characteristics is a key objective of entrepreneurship research. In this context, we investigate whether the motives of becoming an entrepreneur influence the subsequent entrepreneurial development. In our analysis, we examine a broad range of business outcomes including survival and income, as well as job creation, and ...
Our article investigates the impact of vertical integration (without foreclosure) on innovation. We compare cases where either (i) two manufacturers or (ii) a manufacturer and a vertically integrated retailer invest. Then, the independent manufacturer( s) and the retailer bargain over non-linear contracts before selling to consumers. We show that vertical integration always increases the incentives ...
Studie zeigt deutliche Vorteile von Batterie-Antrieben gegenüber Wasserstoff im Straßengüterverkehr – Vielversprechende Marktentwicklung bei Batterie-Fahrzeugen wird ergänzt von Infrastrukturhochlauf – Politischer Fokus sollte auf Ausbau der Ladeinfrastruktur liegen – Energieeffizienzvorteile von Batterie-Lkw sollten in Treibhausgasminderungsquote angemessen berücksichtigt werden Der Straßengüterverkehr ...