The term „fuel poverty“ describes to what extent increasing energy costs lead to a new kind of indebtness and poverty of low income households. Up to now there is no sufficient measuring method to identify fuel poverty households in Germany. The present paper reviews a British approach regarding its adaptability on German data. The aim is to examine the potential of the “Low-Income-High-Costs” indicator ...
This paper, which is one of the first to estimate productivity in retail electricity for a European country after liberalisation, analyses the effect of ownership and governance structure by using a unique dataset of German electricity retailers from 2003 to 2012. An innovative service production function for the retail sector is derived with labour and external services as the main inputs. A structural ...
Globally installed wind power capacity has grown tremendously since 2000. This study focuses on the local economic impacts of wind power deployment. A theoretical model shows that wind power deployment is not necessarily driven by locally-accruing economic payoffs, but also by other factors such as emphasis on environmentally-friendly energy production and its associated benefits. The theoretical analysis ...
Klimaschutz und Energiewende werden von der nationalen als auch europäischen Politik mit einer Vielzahl von Maßnahmen unterstützt: Zusätzlich zum europäischen Emissionshandel existieren nationale Maßnahmen, wie das Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz oder die Förderung der energetischen Gebäudesanierung, um nur einige prominente Beispiele zu nennen. Dieser Politikmix ist Anlass vieler Kontroversen, in denen ...
Bisher wurden Windkraftanlagen so ausgelegt, dass sie Strom zu möglichst geringen Gesamtkosten erzeugen, unabhängig vom Marktwert dieses Stroms. Mit steigenden Anteilen der Windenergie im Stromsystem fällt der Marktwert von Strom aus Windkraftanlagen, da sie tendenziell zur gleichen Zeit Strom erzeugen. Deswegen wird es in Zukunft wichtig, Anlagen systemdienlich auszulegen, so dass ein größerer Anteil ...
Up until now, wind turbines have been designed to generate electricity at the lowest possible total cost, independent of this electricity’s market value. With an increasing penetration of wind power in the system, the market value of electricity generated by wind turbines is declining, since wind turbines tend to produce electricity at the same time. For this reason, it will be important in the future ...