Die Öffnung des Strommarktes für erneuerbare Energien würde Flexibilität für die weitere Integration erneuerbarer Energien schaffen und zu erheblichen Einsparungen von Kosten und Emissionen führen. Dafür müssen die Strommärkte in dreierlei Hinsicht anders organisiert werden: Erstens erfolgen bisher die meisten Handelsaktivitäten - und damit auch die Produktionsentscheidungen - spätestens am Vortag ...
Photovoltaic (PV) technologies have demonstrated significant price reductions, but large-scale global application of PV requires further technology improvements and cost reductions along the value chain. We survey policies in Germany and China and the industrial actors they can encourage to pursue innovation, including deployment support, investment support for manufacturing plants and R&D support ...
The German decision to finally phase-out nuclear electricity has led to a debate on its effects on electricity prices, emission prices in the European emission trading system, as well as on international electricity trade. We investigate these effects with a Electricity market model for Europe with investments in power plants under oligopolistic conditions in Germany. We find modest price increases ...
Questions about the future availability of inexpensive coal supplies are rising. In this paper a numerical model is developed to investigate the evolution of the international market for steam coal used for electricity generation. The "COALMOD-World" model is an equilibrium model that computes future trade flows, infrastructure investments and prices until 2030. The model includes the major domestic ...
Opening the electricity market to renewable energy sources would create flexibility for the further integration of renewable energy, leading to considerably lower costs and emissions. This requires the electricity markets to be reorganized in three ways. Firstly, most trading, and therefore production decision-making, is completed at least one day prior to electricity production. But it must be possible ...