In this paper, we use the Global Gas Model to analyze the perspectives and infrastructure needs of the European natural gas market until 2050. Three pathways of natural gas consumption in a future low-carbon energy system in Europe are envisaged: i) a decreasing natural gas consumption, along the results of the PRIMES model for the EMF decarbonization scenarios; ii) a moderate increase of natural gas ...
In this paper, we develop a market screening model to detect inconstancies in price changes. Although there is a long history of industrial organization research of collusion, price setting behavior, and conduct - a robust model to detect structural changes in market structure was missing so far. Our non-parametric approach closes this gap and can be used as a tentative warning system for emerging ...
Investment in European electricity transmission requires facilitation at the European level. The rate at which renewable energy is integrated into the power sector over the next decade will necessitate significant transmission infrastructure expansion and upgrades, with clear pan-European objectives. Historically, grid planning was primarily carried out at the national level with limited arrangements ...
Photovoltaic (PV) technologies have demonstrated significant price reductions, but large-scale global application of PV requires further technology improvements and cost reductions along the value chain. We survey policies in Germany and China and the industrial actors they can encourage to pursue innovation, including deployment support, investment support for manufacturing plants and R&D support ...
Die EEG-Umlage, die Stromverbraucher für die Förderung von Strom aus erneuerbaren Energien zahlen müssen, wird im Jahr 2013 stark steigen. Dadurch erhöht sich der Anteil der Ausgaben für Strom an den Konsumausgaben privater Haushalte von durchschnittlich rund 2,3 Prozent im Jahr 2011 und knapp 2,4 Prozent im Jahr 2012 auf knapp 2,5 Prozent im Jahr 2013. Davon entfallen 0,5 Prozentpunkte - einschließlich ...