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3083 Ergebnisse, ab 2821
  • Diskussionspapiere 1398 / 2014

    The Market Value of Energy Efficiency in Buildings and the Mode of Tenure

    Concerns about global warming and growing scarcity of fossile fuels require substantial changes in energy consumption patterns and energy systems, as targeted by many countries around the world. One key element to achieve such transformation is to increase energy efficiency of the housing stock. In this context, it is frequently argued that private investments are too low in the light of the potential ...

    2014| Konstantin A. Kholodilin, Claus Michelsen
  • Diskussionspapiere 1397 / 2014

    Global Warming, Technological Change and Trade in Carbon Energy: Challenge or Threat?

    Is it possible to combat global climate change through North-to-South technology transfer even without a global climate treaty? Or do carbon leakage and the rebound effect imply that it is possible to take advantage of technological improvements under the umbrella of a global arrangement only? For answering these questions two possible states of the world are discussed: one, where more energy efficient ...

    2014| Gunter Stephan, Georg Müller-Fürstenberger
  • DIW Wochenbericht 26 / 2014

    Kohleverstromung gefährdet Klimaschutzziele: der Handlungsbedarf ist hoch

    Kohlekraftwerke verursachen etwa ein Drittel des Kohlendioxidausstoßes in Deutschland. Wird das weiterhin hohe Niveau der Kohleverstromung zukünftig nicht gesenkt, sind nicht nur die deutschen Klimaschutzziele für die Jahre 2020 und 2050 gefährdet, sondern auch die nachhaltige Energiewende. Berechnungen des DIW Berlin sowie andere Fachexpertisen belegen, dass speziell die Braunkohle auf längere Sicht ...

    2014| Pao-Yu Oei, Claudia Kemfert, Felix Reitz, Christian von Hirschhausen
  • DIW Wochenbericht 26 / 2014

    Braunkohleverstromung ist inkompatibel mit einer nachhaltigen Energiewende: Sieben Fragen an Claudia Kemfert

  • DIW Economic Bulletin 8 / 2014

    Coal Power Endangers Climate Targets: Calls for Urgent Action

    Coal-fired power stations are responsible for around a third of Germany’s carbon emissions. Failure to reduce the persistently high level of coal-fired power generation threatens Germany’s climate targets for 2020 and 2050 and undermines a sustainable energy transition. Calculations by DIW Berlin and other expert opinions prove that, in the long term, lignite, in particular, is no longer relevant for ...

    2014| Pao-Yu Oei, Claudia Kemfert, Felix Reitz, Christian von Hirschhausen
  • DIW Berlin - Politikberatung kompakt 82 / 2014

    Entwurf und Erläuterung für ein Gesetz zur Festsetzung nationaler CO2-Emissionsstandards für fossile Kraftwerke in Deutschland

    2014| Cornelia Ziehm, Claudia Kemfert, Pao-Yu Oei, Felix Reitz, Christian von Hirschhausen
  • DIW Economic Bulletin 7 / 2014

    European Energy Sector: Large Investments Required for Sustainability and Supply Security

    For the European Union to keep on track with its energy and climate targets, large investments are required in electricity generation, infrastructure and energy efficiency. The electricity sector takes the center stage. This article delivers an overview of several estimates of the investment requirement in the European energy sector and estimates the total required investment expenditures until 2030. ...

    2014| Christian von Hirschhausen, Franziska Holz, Clemens Gerbaulet, Casimir Lorenz
  • Diskussionspapiere 1380 / 2014

    Network Expansion to Mitigate Market Power: How Increased Integration Fosters Welfare

    Lack of transmission capacity hampers the integration of the European electricity market, and thereby precludes reaping the full benefits of competition. We investigate the extent to which transmission grid expansion promotes competition, efficiency and welfare. This work proposes a three-stage model for grid investment: a benevolent planner decides on network upgrades, considering welfare benefits ...

    2014| Alexander Zerrahn, Daniel Huppmann
  • Diskussionspapiere 1379 / 2014

    National-Strategic Investment in European Power Transmission Capacity

    The transformation of the European energy system requires substantial investment in transmission capacity to facilitate cross-border trade and to efficiently integrate renewable energy sources. However, network planning in the EU is still mainly a national prerogative. In contrast to other studies aiming to identify the pan-European (continental) welfare-optimal transmission expansion, we investigate ...

    2014| Daniel Huppmann, Jonas Egerer
  • Diskussionspapiere 1383 / 2014

    All Quiet on the Eastern Front? Disruption Scenarios of Russian Natural Gas Supply to Europe

    The Russian-Ukrainian crisis has revitalized the European concerns of supply disruptions of natural gas as experienced in 2006 and 2009. However, the European supply situation, regulation and infrastructure have changed since: imports aremore diversified, EU member states better connected and a common regulation on the security of supply has been introduced. Nevertheless, several East European countries ...

    2014| Philipp M. Richter, Franziska Holz
3083 Ergebnisse, ab 2821