Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 1 / 2007
Obwohl der Emissionshandel theoretisch ein ideales umwelt- und klimapolitisches Instrument darstellt, stößt seine praktische Gestaltung und Umsetzung auf zahlreiche Schwierigkeiten. So waren bei der Einführung des europäischen Emissionshandelssystems und der Erstellung der Nationalen Allokationspläne für die erste Handelsperiode (NAP I) große Widerstände in Wirtschaft und Politik zu überwinden. Notwendige ...
2007| Franzjosef Schafhausen
DIW Wochenbericht 24 / 2007
Die Sicherheit der europäischen Erdgasversorgung kann durch die konsequente Vollendung des europäischen Binnenmarktes erheblich gesteigert werden; Europa sollte in der Liberalisierung dem Vorbild der Vereinigten Staaten folgen. Russland kommt zwar auch künftig eine gewisse Bedeutung bei der europäischen Erdgasversorgung zu, jedoch nimmt sein strategisches Gewicht aufgrund des sich globalisierenden ...
2007| Franziska Holz, Christian von Hirschhausen
Externe Monographien
We analyze the interactions between different renewable support schemes and the benefits of real-time pricing (RTP) using a stylized economic model with a detailed demand-side representation calibrated to the German market. We find that there are considerable differences between a market premium on energy and capacity regarding wholesale prices, support levies and market values, which are all related ...
Cleveland, Ohio:
24 S.
(USAEE Working Paper Series ; 15-222)
| Michael Pahle, Wolf-Peter Schill, Christian Gambardella, Oliver Tietjen
Diskussionspapiere 1507 / 2015
We analyze the interactions between different renewable support schemes and the benefits of real-time pricing (RTP) using a stylized economic model with a detailed demand-side representation calibrated to the German market. We find that there are considerable differences between a market premium on energy and capacity regarding wholesale prices, support levies and market values, which are all related ...
2015| Michael Pahle, Wolf-Peter Schill, Christian Gambardella, Oliver Tietjen
Diskussionspapiere 1494 / 2015
Abstract EU power market design has been focused on facilitating trading between countries and for this has defined interfaces for market participants and TSOs between countries. The operation of power systems and markets within countries was not the focus of these developments. This may have contributed to difficulties of defining or implementing a common perspective in particular on intraday and ...
2015| Karsten Neuhoff, Carlos Batlle, Gert Brunekreeft, Christos Vasilakos Konstantinidis, Christian Nabe, Giorgia Oggioni, Pablo Rodilla, Sebastian Schwenen, Tomasz Siewierski, Goran Strbac
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
This article provides an introduction to the European Union (EU) Emissions Trading System (ETS). First we describe the legislative development of the EU ETS, its evolution from free allocation to auctioning and centralized allocation rules, its relationship to the Kyoto Protocol and other trading systems, and its relationship to other EU climate and energy policies. This is followed by an assessment ...
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy
10 (2016), 1, S. 89-107
| Denny Ellerman, Claudio Marcantonini, Aleksandar Zaklan
Diskussionspapiere 1456 / 2015
We revisit key elements of European power market design with respect to both short term operation and longer-term investment and re-investment choices. For short term markets, the European policy debate focuses on the definition of common interfaces, like for example gate closure time. We argue that that this is insufficient if the market design is to accommodate for the different needs of renewable ...
2015| Karsten Neuhoff, Sophia Rüster, Sebastian Schwenen
Diskussionspapiere 1441 / 2015
The financing of infrastructures is a major topic in recent energy policy debates. Project finance, as a specialized form of debt finance, thereby has become a well-established financing tool. This paper contributes a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the determinants of the debt ratio in project finance, using data on 26 liquefied natural gas (LNG) export and import projects. We argue that ...
2015| Sophia Rüster
DIW Roundup 54 / 2015
Seit Anfang 2009 unterliegt die leitungsgebundene Energieversorgung in Deutschland der Anreizregulierung, durch die ein effizienter Betrieb von Strom und Gasnetzen sichergestellt werden soll. Unklar ist allerdings, inwieweit die Anreizregulierung sich auf Investitionen in Ersatz und Ausbau der Netze auswirkt. Der massive Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien, eine verstärkte dezentrale Erzeugung und die ...
2015| Astrid Cullmann, Maria Nieswand
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
U.S. shale gas production is generally expected to continue its fast rise of the last years. However, a cautious evaluation is needed. Shale gas resources are potentially overestimated and it is uncertain to what extent they can be economically produced. The adverse environmental effects of ever more wells being drilled may lead to a fall in public acceptance and the strengthening of U.S. regulation. ...
Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy
4 (2015), 1, S. 131-151
| Philipp M. Richter