DIW Wochenbericht 27/28 / 2009
In den vergangenen Jahren haben sich CO2-Emissionen als maßgebliche Bemessungsgrundlage von Kfz-Steuern in den meisten europäischen Ländern durchgesetzt. Auch Deutschland hat ab Juli 2009 die Pkw-Steuer für Neufahrzeuge an dieser Größe orientiert, um klimapolitische Ziele zu verfolgen. Das DIW Berlin hat einen systematischen und quantitativen Vergleich der Besteuerung von Pkws in Europa durchgeführt. ...
2009| Dominika Kalinowska, Kerim Keser, Uwe Kunert
SOEPpapers 798 / 2015
The case of German reunification has been subject to extensive research on earnings inequality and labor market integration. however, little is known about the development of equality of opportunity (EOp) in East and West Germany after 1990.Using German micro data, we empirically analyze how circumstances beyond the sphere of individual control explain inequality in East and West Germany. Our results ...
2015| Andreas Peichl, Martin Ungerer
Berlin Lunchtime Meeting
Die Digitalisierung verändert heute viele Märkte auf dramatische Weise. Im Mittelpunkt des aktuellen Interesses stehen Chancen und Potentiale der sogenannten „Sharing Economy“, also des Teilens von Ressourcen über das Internet. Neue Vermittlungsdienste wie Uber, BlaBlaCar oder WunderCar für Autofahrten, sowie AirBnB oder Wimdu für Übernachtungen...
24.02.2015| Justus Haucap, Fabien Nestmann, Pio Baake, Ferdinand Pavel
SOEPpapers 713 / 2014
Past studies have found that parental background has a considerable impact on educational decisions. Our knowledge is, however, still limited regarding educational transitions later in life, such as into tertiary education. Is parental background a predominant factor in this relatively late educational decision, or do individual talent and determination have an impact of their own? We address this ...
2014| Tamás Keller, Guido Neidhöfer
DIW Wochenbericht 10 / 1992
Das DIW hat in den letzten Jahren verschiedene Verkehrsprognosen erarbeitet, die nicht mehr dem traditionellen Ansatz der Vorausschätzung unter Status quo-Bedingungen entsprechen. Um Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten vor allem für eine bessere ökologische Verträglichkeit des Verkehrs zu zeigen, wurden in diesen Studien Szenarien für Verkehrsleistungen und Verkehrsaufkommen jeweils bei unterschiedlicher verkehrspolitischer ...
1992| Ulrich Voigt
SOEPpapers 562 / 2013
This paper assesses a recent prediction of the theoretical migration literature, according to which migration may be driven by a desire to avoid social humiliation rising from occupational stigma. To this end, we study the residential mobility of workers in occupations with relatively low prestige using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP). In order to capture low occupational prestige, ...
2013| Nina Neubecker
Externe Monographien
We investigate long-term trends in the intergenerational transmission of education in a low income country undergoing a transition from socialism to a market economy. We draw on evidence from Kyrgyzstan using data from three household surveys collected in 1993, 1998 and 2011. We find that Kyrgyzstan, like Eastern European middle income transition economies, generally maintained high educational mobility, ...
31 S.
(Discussion Paper Series / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit ; 7318)
| Tilman Brück, Damir Esenaliev
Diskussionspapiere 1284 / 2013
We investigate long-term trends in the intergenerational transmission of education in a low income country undergoing a transition from socialism to a market economy. We draw on evidence from Kyrgyzstan using data from three household surveys collected in 1993, 1998 and 2011. We find that Kyrgyzstan, like Eastern European middle income transition economies, generally maintained high educational mobility, ...
2013| Tilman Brück, Damir Esenaliev
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
We employ German social security records to investigate intragenerational lifetime earnings inequality and mobility of yearly earnings for 35 cohorts, starting with the birth year 1935. Our main result is a striking secular rise of intragenerational inequality in lifetime earnings: West German men born in the early 1960s are likely to experience about 85% more lifetime inequality than their fathers. ...
Journal of Labor Economics
33 (2015) No. 1, S. 171-208
| Timm Bönke, Giacomo Corneo, Holger Lüthen
Diskussionspapiere 1442 / 2015
We analyze future scenarios of integrating electric vehicles (EV) into the German power system, drawing on different assumptions on the charging mode. We use a numerical dispatch model with a unit-commitment formulation which minimizes dispatch costs over a full year. While the overall energy demand of the EV fleets is rather low in all scenarios, the impact on the system’s load duration curve differs ...
2015| Wolf-Peter Schill, Clemens Gerbaulet