The increases in human longevity and early retirement in recent decades have posed new challenges for policy makers, and require a comprehensive understanding of the processes that influence the economic resources of older people. This paper examines the income mobility experienced by older people living in Britain and Germany during the 1990s, and identifies the influential personal attributes and ...
In diesem Beitrag werden das theoretische Konzept und ausgewählte empirische Forschungsergebnisse der AWO-ISS-Studien zu Kinderarmut vorgestellt. Durch eine Verbindung von Armuts- mit Kindheitsforschung wird eine Lücke in der bundesdeutschen Forschung gefüllt. Die Lebenslagen armer Kinder werden am Ende der Kindergartenzeit und dann noch einmal am Ende der Grundschulzeit mit der nichtarmer Kinder verglichen. ...
We provide an analytical framework within which changes in income inequality over time are related to the pattern of income growth across the income range, and the reshuffling of individuals in the income pecking order. We use it to explain how it was possible both for 'the poor' to have fared badly relatively to 'the rich' in the USA during the 1980s (when income inequality grew substantially), and ...