Previous estimates of unfair inequality of opportunity (IOp) are only lower bounds because of the unobservability of the full set of endowed circumstances beyond the sphere of individual responsibility. In this paper, we suggest a new estimator based on a fixed effects panel model which additionally allows identifying an upper bound. We illustrate our approach by comparing Germany and the US based ...
Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), this paper analyzes the relationship between training and job satisfaction focusing in particular on gender differences. Controlling for a variety of socio-demographic, job and firm characteristics, we find a difference between males and females in the correlation of training with job satisfaction which is positive for males but insignificant ...
Einer der Gründe, weshalb Frauen meist geringere Rentenansprüche haben als Männer, sind familienbedingte Auszeiten vom Beruf. Um dies abzumildern, rechnet die Gesetzliche Rentenversicherung Kindererziehungszeiten an, während derer Frauen Rentenanwartschaften erwerben, obwohl sie nicht in die Rentenversicherung einzahlen. Dies soll den Müttern eine weitgehend eigenständige Alterssicherung garantieren. ...
This paper analyses the role of family risk attitudes in intergenerational mobility in incomes and education. Based on 1984-2009 data of sons and fathers from the German Socio-Economic Panel Survey, there is evidence suggesting that sons with risk taking fathers have a significantly higher educational mobility and persistently higher income mobility than peers with risk averse fathers. They obtain ...
Drawing on representative household data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we examine the role of an early precursor of entrepreneurial development - parental role models - for the individual decision to become self-employed in the post-unified Germany. The findings suggest that the socialist regime significantly damaged this mechanism of an intergenerational transmission of entrepreneurial attitudes ...
Based on brother correlations in permanent earnings for different groups of second generation immigrants, the findings in this paper indicate that cultural background is not a major determinant of the level of intergenerational economic mobility.
Mit dem von Bourdieu entlehnten Begriff der Laufbahnklassen entwickelt der Beitrag ein dynamisiertes Verständnis sozialer Klassenzugehörigkeit im Lebensverlauf, das neben der Existenz stabiler Klassenzugehörigkeiten auch typische Aufstiegs- und Abstiegsmobilitäten als eigenständige Klassen(fraktionen) zulässt. Empirisch wird das Konzept der Laufbahnklassen mithilfe von Sequenzmusteranalysen individueller ...
This is the first study investigating the causal effect of maternal education on child's health and schooling outcomes in Germany. We apply an instrumental variables approach that has not yet been used in the intergenerational context. For that purpose, we draw on a rich German panel data set (SOEP) containing information about three generations. This allows instrumenting maternal education by the ...