Externe Monographien
Diese Dissertation umfasst vier eigenständige Kapitel, die zur Literatur in der BildungsundArbeitsmarktökonomie beitragen. Sie zeigen auf, welche Determinanten zu denLohnerwartungen von Abiturienten beitragen (Kapitel 1) und wie diese Erwartungenzusammen mit Arbeitsmarktbedingungen zum Zeitpunkt des Abiturs (Kapitel2), Studiengangsrankings (Kapitel 3) und Studiengebühren (Kapitel 4) nachschulischeHumankapitalinvestitionen ...
Freie Universität Berlin,
188, XLVII S.
| Andreas Leibing
SOEPpapers 1209 / 2024
Since the new millennium, research in the field of personality development has focused on the stability and change of basic personality traits. Motivational aspects of personality and their longitudinal association with basic traits have received comparably little attention. In this preregistered study, we applied bivariate latent growth curve modeling to investigate the codevelopment of nine life ...
2024| Laura Buchinger, Theresa Entringer, David Richter, Gert G. Wagner, Denis Gerstorf, Wiebke Bleidorn
Diskussionspapiere 2099 / 2024
Child penalties in labour market outcomes are well-documented: after childbirth, mothers’ employment and earnings drop persistently compared to fathers. Beyond gender norms, a potential driver could be the loss in labour market skills due to mothers’ longer employment interruptions. This paper estimates child penalties in adult cognitive skills by adapting the pseudo-panel approach to a single cross-section ...
2024| Jonas Jessen, Lavinia Kinne, Michele Battisti
Externe Monographien
We examine how the gender of business-owners is related to the wages paid to female relative to male employees working in their firms. Using Finnish register data and employing firm fixed effects, we find that the gender pay gap is – starting from a gender pay gap of 11 to 12 percent - two to three percentage-points lower for hourly wages in female-owned firms than in maleowned firms. Results are robust ...
39 S.
(GLO Discussion Paper Series ; 1422)
| Alexander S. Kritikos, Mika Maliranta, Veera Nippala, Satu Nurmi
Diskussionspapiere 2079 / 2024
We examine how the gender of business-owners is related to the wages paid to female relative to male employees working in their firms. Using Finnish register data and employing firm fixed effects, we find that the gender pay gap is – starting from a gender pay gap of 11 to 12 percent - two to three percentage-points lower for hourly wages in female-owned firms than in maleowned firms. Results are robust ...
2024| Alexander S. Kritikos, Mika Maliranta, Veera Nippala, Satu Nurmi
Externe Monographien
We examine how the gender of business-owners is related to the wages paid to female relative to male employees working in their firms. Using Finnish register data and employing firm fixed effects, we find that the gender pay gap is – starting from a gender pay gap of 11 to 12 percent - two to three percentage-points lower for hourly wages in female-owned firms than in maleowned firms. Results are robust ...
Universität Potsdam,
39 S.
(CEPA Discussion Paper ; 76)
| Alexander S. Kritikos, Mika Maliranta, Veera Nippala, Satu Nurmi
DIW Weekly Report 9 / 2024
The gender care gap, i.e., the difference between the amount of unpaid care work—such as childcare and housework—performed between men and women is comparatively high in Germany: Women take on much more unpaid care work than men. This gap increases consistently when starting a family. At the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, many feared that the gender care gap may grow even larger. In ...
2024| Jonas Jessen, Lavinia Kinne, Katharina Wrohlich
DIW Wochenbericht 9 / 2024
Der Gender Care Gap, also der geschlechtsspezifische Unterschied in der Aufteilung unbezahlter Sorgearbeit wie Kinderbetreuung und Hausarbeit, ist in Deutschland vergleichsweise hoch. Frauen übernehmen deutlich mehr unbezahlte Sorgearbeit als Männer. Besonders mit der Familiengründung steigt der Gender Care Gap nachhaltig an. Zu Beginn der Corona-Pandemie vor knapp vier Jahren wurde vielfach befürchtet, ...
2024| Jonas Jessen, Lavinia Kinne, Katharina Wrohlich
DIW Wochenbericht 9 / 2024
2024| Jonas Jessen, Erich Wittenberg
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
In this study, we argue that parents’ class position may influence the type and timing of their offspring's investments in financial assets. These investments may facilitate net worth accumulation beyond direct transfers, contributing to the intergenerational reproduction of social positions. We test these expectations using retrospective life history and prospective panel data for 14 countries from ...
Acta Sociologica
66 (2023), 2, S. 210-230
| Philipp M. Lersch, Olaf Groh-Samberg