The German economy is not only affected by unification of Germany but by a significant influx of immigrants from abroad and huge migration from East to West Germany around the date of unification. Data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (GSOEP) allows one to disentangle those effects by decomposition of the Theil I(0)-Index of inequality. In addition, the paper offers insights into the transition ...
Are immigrants on welfare because they are more likely to be eligible or because they are more likely to claim benefits for which they are eligible? The answer is politically important, but because most current research on immigration and welfare is based on data from the United States, the answer is difficult due to the complexities of the transfer system which make eligibility determinations difficult. ...
Im Rahmen dieses Beitrags wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob ein großzügig ausgestalteter Sozialstaat zusätzliche Wanderungsanreize generieren kann, die eine nennenswerte Zuwanderung in das Sozialversicherungssystem zur Folge haben. Darüber hinaus werden verschiedene Politikoptionen zur Einschränkung derartiger Zuwanderungsströme diskutiert. Ein Überblick der relevanten empirischen Literatur zeigt, dass ...
Using a new data on 590 Turkish households in Berlin, we investigate the determinants and impact of integration on economic performance. We find that usual suspects such as time spent in Germany and education have positive impact, while networks have no impact on integration. There is strong evidence that political integration and the degree of full integration promote income. Using endogenous switching ...
The 2004 and 2007 enlargements of the European Union were unprecedented in a number of economic and policy aspects. This essay provides a broad and in-depth account of the effects of the post-enlargement migration flows on the receiving as well as sending countries in three broader areas: labour markets, welfare systems, and growth and competitiveness. Our analysis of the available literature and empirical ...
Arbeitnehmerfreizügigkeit innerhalb der Europäischen Union führt nicht zu Belastungen des Arbeitsmarktes und der Sozialversicherungen. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt eine aktuelle Forschungsarbeit über die Entwicklungen und Folgen der Ost-West-Migration nach den jüngsten Erweiterungsrunden der EU. Insbesondere der restriktiven deutschen Migrationspolitik wird dabei kein gutes Zeugnis ausgestellt. Kürzlich ...