DIW Roundup 102 / 2016
Parental leave policies are a major policy tool used across OECD countries to support families before and after child birth. There are large differences across countries in the amount and the duration of benefit payments as well as leave entitlement periods. Despite these differences, the shared goal of parental leave policies is to reconcile family life and work, and support child development. While ...
2016| Mathias Huebener
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
This study examines the importance of parental health in the development of child behavior during early childhood. Our analysis is based on child psychometric measures from a longitudinal German dataset, which tracks mothers and their newborns up to age six. We identify major changes in parental health (shocks) and control for a variety of initial characteristics of the child including prenatal conditions. ...
Review of Economics of the Household
14 (2016), 3, S. 577-598
| Andrea M. Mühlenweg, Franz G. Westermaier, Brant Morefield
Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 2 / 2014
Der Bezug von Erwerbsminderungsrente ist ein unterschätztes Risiko – es trifft in Deutschland mit mehr als jedem fünften Arbeitnehmer mehr Menschen als man denkt. Die empirischen Befunde, die auf verschiedenen Analyseebenen ansetzen, verdeutlichen: Im sechsten Lebensjahrzehnt ist das Risiko wegen chronischer Erkrankungen den Arbeitsmarkt vorzeitig zu verlassen besonders hoch. Eine Verlängerung der ...
2014| Christine Hagen, Ralf K. Himmelreicher
SOEPpapers 662 / 2014
Theoretical research on inequity and social justice as well as experimental research indicate that perceived injustice may cause stress and thus may have negative effects on health. Using longitudinal data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) of the years 2005 to 2011, this study investigates if perceptions of earnings (un)fairness impact employees’ health. The analyses show that a change in ...
2014| Reinhard Schunck, Carsten Sauer, Peter Valet
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
We examine the effects of an airport expansion on the prices of houses and apartments located under the planned flight paths. We focus on the role of expectations of aircraft noise during the expansion of Berlin-Brandenburg International Airport. The publication of the flight paths can be seen as an exogenous event. It provides local residents and potential home buyers with reliable information in ...
The Annals of Regional Science
52 (2014), 3, 763-797
| Konstantin A. Kholodilin, Andreas Mense
SOEPpapers 631 / 2014
This paper applies semiparametric regression models to shed light on the relation-ship between body weight and labor market outcomes in Germany. We find conclusive evidence that these relationships are poorly described by linear or quadratic OLS specifications, which have been the main approaches in previous studies. Women's wages and employment probabilities do not follow a linear relationship and ...
2014| Marco Caliendo, Markus Gehrsitz
DIW Wochenbericht 14/15 / 2015
Im Jahr 2013 bezogen rund 2,6 Millionen Menschen Leistungen der Pflegeversicherung. Die Zahl der Leistungsempfänger ist seit 1998 um 45 Prozent gestiegen. Gut 70 Prozent der Leistungsbeziehenden, etwa 1,7 Millionen Personen, wurden zu Hause und knapp 30 Prozent stationär gepflegt. Daneben gibt es eine nicht unerhebliche Zahl von Personen, die auf Pflege angewiesen sind, aber noch nicht in einem Maß, ...
2015| Johannes Geyer
DIW Wochenbericht 14/15 / 2015
SOEPpapers 718 / 2014
In an empirical study based on data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, the effect of job quality on individual health is analyzed. Extending previous studies methodologically to estimate unbiased effects of job satisfaction on individual health, it can be shown that low job satisfaction affects individual health negatively. In a second step, the underlying forces of this broad effect are disentangled. ...
2014| Jan Kleibrink
SOEPpapers 715 / 2014
This paper investigates physiological responses to perceptions of unfair pay. We use an integrated approach exploiting complementarities between controlled lab and representative field data. In a simple principal-agent experiment agents produce revenue by working on a tedious task. Principals decide how this revenue is allocated between themselves and their agents. Throughout the experiment we record ...
2014| Armin Falk, Fabian Kosse, Ingo Menrath, Pablo Emilio Verde, Johannes Siegrist