Diskussionspapiere 433 / 2004
This paper investigates the effect of economic integration on the ability of firms to maintain a collusive understanding about staying out of each other's markets. The paper distinguishes among different types of trade costs: ad valorem, unit, fixed. It is shown that for a sufficient reduction of ad valorem trade costs, a cartel supported by collusion on either quantities or prices will be weakened, ...
2004| Ulrich Fritsche, Vladimir Kuzin
Diskussionspapiere 443 / 2004
This paper investigates the link between the optimal level of nonfinancial firms' leverage and macroeconomic uncertainty. We develop a structural model of a firm's value maximization problem that predicts that as macroeconomic un-certainty increases the firm will decrease its optimal level of borrowing. We test this proposition using a panel of non{financial US firms drawn from the COM-PUSTAT quarterly ...
2004| Christopher F. Baum, Andreas Stephan, Oleksandr Talavera
Externe Monographien
Chestnut Hill, Mass.:
Boston College, Department of Economics,
23 S.
(Boston College Working Papers in Economics ; 602)
| Christopher F. Baum, Andreas Stephan, Oleksandr Talavera
SOEPpapers 690 / 2014
In this paper we explore the reasons for the trend reversal in the development of household market income inequality in Germany in the second half of the 2000s. We analyse to what extent the increasing relevance of capital income as well as the rising share of atypically employed persons have affected the development of income inequality over the last two decades. We use household data from the German ...
2014| Miriam Rehm, Kai Daniel Schmid, Dieter Wang
Diskussionspapiere 1367 / 2014
We endogenize asset liquidity in a dynamic general equilibrium model with search frictions on asset markets. In the model, asset liquidity is tantamount to the ease of issuance and resaleability of private financial claims, which is driven by investors' participation on the search market. Limited resaleability of private claims creates a role for liquid assets, such as government bonds or fiat money, ...
2014| Wei Cui, Sören Radde
SOEPpapers 639 / 2014
Information on the number of interviewer contacts allows insights into how people's responses to questions on happiness are connected to the difficulty of reaching potential participants. Using the paradata of the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP), this paper continues such research by revealing a strong link between respondent motivation and reported happiness. Analyses of responses by future ...
2014| Adrian Chadi
Externe Monographien
Numerous people in Germany, including politicians and researchers, believe that the gross domestic product (GDP) is an outdated indicator of a society's prosperity. Therefore, at the end of 2010, the German Bundestag, the federal parliament, established a study commission (Enquete-Kommission) tasked with developing an alternative to the GDP for measuring growth, prosperity, and quality of life. This ...
18 S.
(RatSWD Working Paper Series ; 217)
| Marco Giesselmann, Richard Hilmer, Nico A. Siegel, Gert G. Wagner
Weitere referierte Aufsätze
Der Beitrag ordnet die Bereitstellung von Forschungsinfrastruktur in den Sozial-, Verhaltens- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften in die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer forschungsbasierten Evaluation und Beratung von Politik ein. Entsprechend werden einige Hinweise für die Weiterentwicklung der einschlägigen Forschungsinfrastruktur in Deutschland und im internationalen Kontext gegeben.
Schmollers Jahrbuch
134 (2014), 1, S. 89-96
| Gert G. Wagner
DIW Berlin - Politikberatung kompakt 80 / 2014
2014| Alexander Eickelpasch, Georg Erber
Nicht-referierte Aufsätze
This paper summarizes the findings of an analysis of scientific infrastructure service providers (mainly from Germany but also from other European countries). These service providers are evaluated with regard to their potential services for the management of publication-related research data in the field of social sciences, especially economics. For this purpose we conducted both desk research and ...
Liber Quarterly
23 (2014), 4, S. 336-357
| Sven Vlaeminck, Gert G. Wagner