Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
Recent years have seen a growing number of studies investigating the accuracy of nonprobability online panels; however, response quality in nonprobability online panels has not yet received much attention. To fill this gap, we investigate response quality in a comprehensive study of seven nonprobability online panels and three probability-based online panels with identical fieldwork periods and questionnaires ...
Sociological Methods & Research
52 (2023), 2, . 879–908
| Carina Cornesse, Annelies G. Blom
The German Socio-Economic Panel Study is a representative panel study for the German population, collecting data on a broad variety of topics of everyday life, including general wellbeing, household composition, educational aspirations and educational status, income and occupational biographies, leisure time activities, housing, health, political orientation and more. With its long running panel...
07.11.2023| Sandra Bohmann
Joint Spring Meeting of BBSR, BTU & SOEP RegioHub
Linking survey data with spatial data is an emerging topic in the social sciences, providing the possibility to contextualize sociodemographic information and social attitudes with geospatial data such as regional indicators, neighborhood information, or environmental time series. The provision of health care, education, housing markets, or...
29.02.2024| Daniel Meyer (BBSR), Antonia Milbert (BBSR), Simon Kühne (Bielefeld University), Julia Binder (BTU), Jan Goebel
Im letzten Jahr erhielten wir wieder zahlreiche Anträge für die SOEP-Innovations-Stichprobe (SOEP-IS). Nach Auswahl der besten Module freuen wir uns zu berichten, dass wir das Potenzial der Daten deutlich erweitern konnten. Zurzeit führen wir außerordentlich viele spannende Kooperationen, laufende Projekte und Längsschnitt-Innovationsmodule durch. Aufgrund der Vielzahl neuer Projekte wird der Call ...
10.01.2024| Carina Cornesse
Externe Monographien
Universität Bielefeld,
VII, 78 S.
| Tobias Gebel
Am 8. und 9. Februar 2024 organisieren wir einen zweitägigen Workshop zum Sozio-oekonomischen Panel (SOEP) am DIW Berlin. Neben Vorträgen zu Aufbau, Datenstruktur, Ziehungsdesign und Gewichtungsstrategie bieten hands-on Sessions eine praxisorientierte Annäherung an die Daten und ihre Potentiale.
Der Workshop richtet sich an Wissenschaftler*innen auf allen Qualifikationsstufen, die in Zukunft mit...
08.02.2024| Sandra Bohmann
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
While laboratory and field experiments are the major items in the toolbox of behavioral economists, household panel studies can complement them and expand their research potential. We introduce the German Socio-Economic Panel’s Innovation Sample (SOEP-IS), which offers researchers detailed panel data and the possibility to collect personalized experimental and survey data for free. We discuss what ...
Journal of the Economic Science Association
10 (2024), 1, S. 136–151
| Urs Fischbacher, Levent Neyse, David Richter, Carsten Schröder
SOEP Brown Bag Seminar
Placebo tests, where a null result is used to support the validity of the research design, is common in economics. Such tests provide an incentive to underreport statistically significant tests, a form of reversed p-hacking. Based on a pre-registered analysis plan, we test for such underreporting in all papers meeting our inclusion criteria (n=377) published in 11 top economics journals between 20...
01.11.2023| Yifan Yang, Stockholm School of Economics
Nachrichten [FDZ SOEP]
Vom 29. Februar bis 1. März 2024 findet an der Brandenburgischen Technischen Universität Cottbus die zweitägige Frühjahrstagung “The Power of Where - Spatial Insights from Survey Data” statt. Die Tagung wird gemeinsam vom Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR), der Technischen Universität Brandenburg (BTU) und SOEP-RegioHub an der Universität Bielefeld organisiert und ist als Lunch-to-Lunch-Event ...
06.10.2023| Jan Goebel
Nachrichten [FDZ SOEP]
The two-day spring meeting "The Power of Where: Spatial Insights from Survey Data" will take place in person at Brandenburg University of Technology in Cottbus on February 29 to March 1, 2024. The meeting is jointly organized by the Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR), Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU), and SOEP-RegioHub at Bielefeld University and is conceived as a lunch-to-lunch ...
06.10.2023| Jan Goebel