SOEPpapers 607 / 2013
We survey the literature on income mobility, aiming to provide an integrated discussion of mobility within- and between-generations. We review mobility concepts, descriptive devices, measurement methods, data sources, and recent empirical evidence.
2013| Markus Jäntti, Stephen P. Jenkins
DIW Wochenbericht 4 / 2013
Die Sicherstellung von gleichen Lebenschancen ist ein Ziel, das seit vielen Jahren alle westlich geprägten demokratisch verfassten Gesellschaften teilen. Obwohl alle Bürger formal über gleiche Rechte verfügen, sind auch in Deutschland die Chancen für individuelle Lebensverläufe je nach familiärem Hintergrund unterschiedlich und prägen damit das Muster der sozialen Ungleichheit. Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse ...
2013| Daniel D. Schnitzlein
Diskussionspapiere 1231 / 2012
This paper empirically investigates the relevance of liquidity constraints and excess sensitivity in intertemporal household consumption. Using a pseudo panel that has been constructed on rich German consumption survey data, we estimate the consumption responses to permanent and transitory income shocks, as well as the presence of excess sensitivity to anticipated income changes. A switching regression ...
2012| Martin Beznoska, Richard Ochmann
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
In trying to capture complete within-household heterogeneity, household panel surveys typically try to interview all adult household members. Following from this, such surveys tend to suffer from partial unit nonresponse (PUNR), that is, the nonresponse of at least one member of an otherwise participating household, most likely yielding an underestimation of aggregate household income. Using data from ...
Sociological Methods & Research
41 (2012), 1, S. 89-123
| Joachim R. Frick, Markus M. Grabka, Olaf Groh-Samberg
DIW Economic Bulletin 5 / 2013
For many years, securing equal life opportunities has been a normative goal shared by all democratic societies in the western world. Although, in principle, all citizens enjoy the same rights, in reality, individual life opportunities still vary according to family background which, in turn, shapes the prevailing pattern of social inequality. This is not a specifically German phenomenon. Based on a ...
2013| Daniel D. Schnitzlein
Diskussionspapiere 1283 / 2013
Nonparametric efficiency analysis has become a widely applied technique to support industrial benchmarking as well as a variety of incentive- based regulation policies. In practice such exercises are often plagued by incomplete knowledge about the correct specifications of inputs and outputs. Simar and Wilson (2001) and Schubert and Simar (2011) propose restriction tests to support such specification ...
2013| Anne Neumann, Maria Nieswand, Torben Schubert
Diskussionspapiere 991 / 2010
Population surveys around the world face the problem of declining cooperation and participation rates of respondents. Not only can item nonresponse and unit nonresponse impair important outcome measures for inequality research such as total household disposable income; there is also a further case of missingness confronting household panel surveys that potentially biases results. The approach commonly ...
2010| Joachim R. Frick, Markus M. Grabka, Olaf Groh-Samberg
SOEPpapers 290 / 2010
Population surveys around the world face the problem of declining cooperation and participation rates of respondents. Not only can item nonresponse and unit nonresponse impair important outcome measures for inequality research such as total household disposable income; there is also a further case of missingness confronting household panel surveys that potentially biases results. The approach commonly ...
2010| Joachim R. Frick, Markus M. Grabka, Olaf Groh-Samberg
SOEPpapers 274 / 2010
We show that the choice of the welfare measure has a substantial impact on the degree of welfare-related health inequality. Combining various income and wealth measures with different health measures, we calculate 80 health concentration indices. The influence of the welfare measure is more pronounced when using subjective health measures than when using objective health measures.
2010| Nicolas R. Ziebarth, Joachim R. Frick
SOEPpapers 263 / 2010
In recent decades, many firms offered more discretion to their employees, often increasing the productivity of effort but also leaving more opportunities for shirking. These "high-performance work systems" are difficult to understand in terms of standard moral hazard models. We show experimentally that complementarities between high effort discretion, rent-sharing, screening opportunities, and competition ...
2010| Björn Bartling, Ernst Fehr, Klaus M. Schmidt