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2152 Ergebnisse, ab 2121
  • DIW Economic Bulletin 7 / 2012

    Income Distribution: An Important Factor for Economic Forecasts

    The development of private consumption is a crucial factor in compiling macroeconomic projections as part of national accounts. Household savings also play an important role as an explanatory variable for consumer development, since private households must decide whether to spend their incomes on consumption or saving. The estimated savings rate in DIW Berlin's economic projections can be improved ...

    2012| Ferdinand Fichtner, Simon Junker, Carsten Schwäbe
  • Diskussionspapiere 1216 / 2012

    Location, Location, Location: Extracting Location Value from House Prices

    The price for a single-family house depends both on the characteristics of the building and on its location. We propose a novel semiparametric method to extract location values from house prices. After splitting house prices into building and land components, location values are estimated with adaptive weight smoothing. The adaptive estimator requires neither strong smoothness assumptions nor local ...

    2012| Jens Kolbe, Rainer Schulz, Martin Wersing, Axel Werwatz
  • DIW Wochenbericht 22 / 2012

    Die Einkommensverteilung: eine wichtige Größe für die Konjunkturprognose

    Die Entwicklung des privaten Verbrauchs ist eine entscheidende Größe bei der Erstellung makroökonomischer Prognosen im Rahmen der Volkswirtschaftlichen Gesamtrechnungen. Als erklärende Variable für die Konsumentwicklung spielt damit auch die Ersparnisbildung der Haushalte eine zentrale Rolle, da die privaten Haushalte bei der Verwendung ihrer Einkommen zwischen Konsum und Ersparnis entscheiden müssen. ...

    2012| Ferdinand Fichtner, Simon Junker, Carsten Schwäbe
  • DIW Wochenbericht 22 / 2012

    SOEP-Daten erhöhen die Qualität von Konjunkturprognosen: Sechs Fragen an Ferdinand Fichtner

  • Nicht-referierte Aufsätze

    Wo bleibt das Glück? Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt ist als Messgröße für das Wirtschaftswachstum nicht mehr zeitgemäß, aber ein neuer Indikator ist noch nicht verfügbar

    In: Cicero (2011), Oktober, S. 108-109 | Henrik Enderlein, Gert G. Wagner
  • SOEPpapers 694 / 2014

    Intergenerational Transmission of Unemployment: Evidence for German Sons

    This paper studies the association between the unemployment experience of fathers and their sons. Based on German survey data that cover the last decades we find significant positive correlations. Using instrumental variables estimation and the Gottschalk (1996) method we investigate to what extent fathers' unemployment is causal for offsprings' employment outcomes. In agreement with most of the small ...

    2014| Miriam Mäder, Steffen Müller, Regina T. Riphahn, Caroline Schwientek
  • SOEPpapers 555 / 2013

    Income Comparisons, Income Adaptation, and Life Satisfaction: How Robust Are Estimates from Survey Data?

    Theory suggests that subjective well-being is affected by income comparisons and adaptation to income. Empirical tests of the effects often rely on self-constructed measures from survey data. This paper shows that results can be highly sensitive to simple parameter changes. Using large-scale panel data from Germany and the UK, I report cases where plausible variations in the underlying income type ...

    2013| Tobias Pfaff
  • Externe Monographien

    Strategic Behaviour in Energy Markets: Advances in Complementarity and Multi-Stage Equilibrium Modelling ; Dissertation

    Diese Dissertation untersucht mehrere energiewirtschaftliche Fragestellungen, in denen Marktmacht eine besondere Rolle spielt; mittels spieltheoretischer Ansätze werden die strategischen Interaktionen mathematisch formuliert und anhand numerischer Methoden Gleichgewichte der Spiele identifiziert. Der Beitrag zum wissenschaftlichen Diskurs rund um den Themenbereich Marktmacht in der Energiewirtschaft ...

    Berlin: TU Berlin, 2014, XV, 128 S. | Daniel Huppmann
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Refunding ETS Proceeds to Spur the Diffusion of Renewable Energies: An Analysis Based on the Dynamic Oligopolistic Electricity Market Model EMELIE

    We use a quantitative electricity market model to analyze the welfare effects of refunding a share of the emission trading proceeds to support renewable energy technologies that are subject to experience effects. We compare effects of supporting renewable energies under both perfect and oligopolistic competition with competitive fringe firms and emission trading regimes that achieve 70 and 80% emission ...

    In: Utilities Policy 19 (2011), 1, S. 33-41 | Thure Traber, Claudia Kemfert
  • Diskussionspapiere 351 / 2003

    Time-varying Nairu and Real Interest Rates in the Euro Area

    This paper analyses the Nairu in the Euro Area and the influence that monetary policy had on its development. Using the Kalman-filter technique we find that the Nairu has varied considerably since the early seventies. The Kalman-filter technique is applied here for the first time using explicit exogenous variables. In particular real interest rates were found to explain a quarter of the increase in ...

    2003| Camille Logeay, Silke Tober
2152 Ergebnisse, ab 2121