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390 Ergebnisse, ab 11
  • Nicht-referierte Aufsätze

    In Memoriam Gert G. Wagner (5. Januar 1953 — 28. Januar 2024)

    In: Soziologie : Forum der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (2024), 2, S. 236-242 | Johann Behrens, Jürgen Schupp
  • Personalie

    Boryana Ilieva has successfully defended her dissertation

    Boryana Ilieva, who worked at the Public Economics department, has successfully defended her dissertation at Humboldt University of Berlin. The dissertation with the title "Essays on Labor Economics, Dynamic Decision Making and the Role of Gender" was supervised by Prof. Georg Weizsäcker, Ph. D. and Prof. Dr. Peter Haan. We congratulate Boryana on her success and wish her all the best for her future ...

  • Personalie

    Boryana Ilieva has successfully defended her dissertation

    Boryana Ilieva, who worked at the Public Economics department, has successfully defended her dissertation at Humboldt University of Berlin. The dissertation with the title "Essays on Labor Economics, Dynamic Decision Making and the Role of Gender" was supervised by Prof. Georg Weizsäcker, Ph. D. and Prof. Dr. Peter Haan. We congratulate Boryana on her success and wish her all the best for her future ...

  • Personalie

    Shan Huang has successfully defefended her dissertation

    Shan Huang has successfully defended her dissertation at the University of Copenhagen. The dissertation with the title "Essays on the economics of health care provision" was supervised by Professor Dr. Hannes Ullrich (DIW Berlin and University of Copenhagen). Shan was a PhD student at the Firms and Markets Department and GC class of 2017. We congratulate her on her success and wish her all the best ...

  • Personalie

    Shan Huang has successfully defefended her dissertation

    Shan Huang has successfully defended her dissertation at the University of Copenhagen. The dissertation with the title "Essays on the economics of health care provision" was supervised by Professor Dr. Hannes Ullrich (DIW Berlin and University of Copenhagen). Shan was a PhD student at the Firms and Markets Department and GC class of 2017. We congratulate her on her success and wish her all the best ...

  • Video

    Jahresrückblick: Marcel Fratzscher

  • Bericht

    SOEP und britische Panelstudie „UK-HLS“ vereinbaren engere Zusammenarbeit

    Die langjährige Kooperation des SOEP mit der britischen Längsschnittstudie „Understanding Society“ (The UK Household Longitudinal Study) wird ab sofort weiter intensiviert. Die beiden großen Panelstudien bündeln damit ihre umfangreiche Expertise und ermöglichen eine enge Abstimmung zu aktuellen Herausforderungen. Zudem ist ein enger Austausch zu verschiedenen Aspekten der Studiendurchführung vorgesehen. ...

    12.12.2023| Sabine Zinn
  • Bericht

    SOEP and British panel study “UK-HLS” agree on closer cooperation

    The leadership of both SOEP and “Understanding Society” (The UK Household Longitudinal Study) announced that they will intensify their long-standing collaboration in the future. They intend to coordinate closely on current challenges that large panel studies face, thereby pooling their comprehensive expertise. In addition, the employees of both studies will benefit from mutual exchange on all topics ...

    12.12.2023| Sabine Zinn
  • Personalie

    Bewerbungsphase für das DIW Graduate Center Jahrgang 2024 hat begonnen

    Bewerben Sie sich jetzt für das PhD-Programm in Economics am DIW Graduate Center! Das Bewerbungsportal ist ab sofort geöffnet und wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung für eine Doktorandenstelle am DIW Berlin bis zum 11. Februar 2024!  Alle Informationen zu den Voraussetzungen, dem Bewerbungsprozess und der Programmstruktur finden Sie hier: https://www.diw.de/de/diw_01.c.799242.de/application.html

  • Personalie

    Application portal for the Graduate Center PhD program 2024 is open now

    Apply now for the PhD program in Economics at the DIW Graduate Center! The application portal is now open and we look forward to receiving your application for a PhD position at DIW by February 11, 2024!  All information on the requirements, the application process and the program structure can be found here: https://www.diw.de/de/diw_01.c.799242.de/application.html

390 Ergebnisse, ab 11