Congratulations to Laura Schmitz for her dissertation defense. Her dissertation was titled 'Understanding the Impact of Education and Environmental Policy on Human Capital Formation: Four Essays in Applied Economics', Katharina Spiess and Felix Weinhardt were her supervisors. Laura will not be leaving us, but is now starting as a PostDoc in the Energy, Transport, Environment Department.
Graduate Center Masterclasses
The course provides participants with the tools to develop and analyze business cycle models with heterogenous agents. This class of models has become the new standard in the business cycle literature and allows to analyze the interaction of the business cycle and the distribution of consumption, income, and wealth.
The focus of the course is on numerical methods. Coding exercises in class are an...
12.07.2023| Ralph Lütticke
Graduate Center Short Course
Students will study models of transitions and durations, and learn how to estimate these using realworld data.
This course is an introduction to modelling transitions into a state of interest (such as the transition into employment from unemployment) and durations (such as unemployment, survival of patients after medical treatment or firms after a financial crash). We...
30.10.2023| Christian Schluter
Graduate Center Masterclasses
The course in a tweet. This is an advanced course on electricity markets: forward, spot, balancing and retail. It is a course at the intersection of energy, economics and finance that focuses on public policy and regulation: how should power markets be designed with security of supply and social welfare in mind?
The significance of electricity markets & trading. Electricity markets and the...
22.01.2024| Lion Hirth
Graduate Center Masterclasses
This course aims to bring participants to the research frontier on how to estimate the causal effects of macroeconomic shocks, with a particular focus on monetary and fiscal policy. We will discuss how to: plausibly identify those shocks; best estimate their causal effects in finite samples; and finally use those shock causal effects for macroeconomic policy evaluation. The analysis throughout...
13.05.2024| Christian Wolf
Graduate Center Masterclasses
This course provides a self-contained introduction to Bayesian analysis of panel data models. We will start with an introduction to Bayesian inference, covering the basic building blocks, which involve inference in a heteroskedastic linear regression model and Gibbs sampling to generate draws from the posterior distribution. Moreover, we will consider nonparametric inference. We then proceed with...
04.06.2024| Frank Schorfheide
Graduate Center Masterclasses
What this course is about:
The study of nonlinearities permeates modern macroeconomics.This course will introduce tools to estimate the possibly nonlinear effects of various (possibly non-Gaussian) economic shocks. The tools/models we will cover come in two classes:
1. Models where nonlinearities and non-Gaussianity help to identify shocks2. Models where identification assumptions (such as...
07.10.2024| Christian Matthes
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften
Am 17. Juni 2023 von 17 bis 24 Uhr öffnen etwa 70 wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen in Berlin und auf dem Potsdamer Telegrafenberg ihre Türen und laden herzlich zur Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften ein. An über 100 Veranstaltungsorten heißt es: staunen, berühren, begreifen!
Gemeinsam mit sechs anderen Leibniz-Instituten nimmt das DIW Berlin in den Räumen der Geschäftsstelle der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft...
17.06.2023| Konstantin A. Kholodilin, Markus M. Grabka, Sandra Bohmann, Wolf-Peter Schill
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften
Am 22. Juni 2024 von 17 bis 24 Uhr öffnen etwa 70 wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen in Berlin ihre Türen und laden herzlich zur Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften ein. An über 100 Veranstaltungsorten heißt es: staunen, berühren, begreifen!
Gemeinsam mit fünf anderen Leibniz-Instituten nimmt das DIW Berlin in den Räumen der Geschäftsstelle der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft in Berlin-Mitte an der Langen Nacht...
22.06.2024| Florian Griese, Wolf-Peter Schill, Alexander Roth
Wer nicht fragt, bleibt dumm – das wusste schon die Sesamstraße. Bei "Book a Scientist" haben Sie die Chance, sich 25 Minuten lang mit einer Expertin oder einem Experten der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft auszutauschen und alles zu fragen, was Sie schon immer zu Ihrem Lieblingsthema wissen wollten.
Die individuellen, 25-minütigen Einzelgespräche finden am 15. Oktober 2024 zwischen 10-11.30 Uhr...
15.10.2024| Florian Griese, Martin Gornig, Karsten Neuhoff, Theresa Entringer, Adrián Santonja di Fonzo