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15364 Ergebnisse, ab 11
  • Nationwide population-based infection- and vaccine-induced SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in Germany at the end of 2021

    Background The first wave of the Corona Monitoring Nationwide (RKI-SOEP) Study drawn from the German Socio-Economic Panel proved a low pre-vaccine SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in the German adult population of 2.1%.Methods In this second wave of the study (RKI-SOEP-2, November 2021-March 2022), we used combined serological and self-reported data on infection and vaccination to estimate the prevalence ...

    | Elisabetta Mercuri, Lorenz Schmid, Christina Poethko-Müller, Martin Schlaud, Cânâ Kußmaul, Ana Ordonez-Cruickshank, Sebastian Haller, Ute Rexroth, Osamah Hamouda, Lars Schaade, Lothar H. Wieler, Antje Gößwald, Angelika Schaffrath Rosario, the RKI-SOEP-2 Study Group
  • Personality Differences and Investment Decision-Making

    We survey thousands of affluent American investors to examine the relationship between personalities and investment decisions. The Big Five personality traits correlate with investors' beliefs about the stock market and economy, risk preferences, and social interaction tendencies. Two personality traits, Neuroticism and Openness, stand out in their explanatory power for equity investments. Investors ...

    Cambridge: National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), 2023,
    (NBER Working Paper 31041)
    | Zhengyang Jiang, Cameron Peng, Hongjun Yan
  • Immigrants and trade union membership: Does integration into society and workplace play a moderating role?

    We hypothesize that incomplete integration into the workplace and society implies that immigrants are less likely to be union members than natives. Incomplete integration makes the usual mechanism for overcoming the collective action problem less effective. Our empirical analysis with data from the Socio-Economic Panel confirms a unionization gap for first-generation immigrants in Germany. Importantly, ...

    In: British Journal of Industrial Relations (2023), | Fenet Jima Bedaso, Uwe Jirjahn
  • Constrained ‘choices’: Optional familism and educational divides in work-family arrangements

    German family policy was dramatically reformed in the 2000s because of dual reforms to parental leave and childcare provision. While considerable evidence has suggested the reforms affected employment and other outcomes, this article asks what the consequences of these reforms are for the family, specifically for patterns of work-family arrangements. Moreover, it asks how education matters for work-family ...

    In: Social Policy & Administration 57 (2023), 5, 700-726 | Andreas Jozwiak
  • Job Ladder and Wealth Dynamics in General Equilibrium

    This paper develops a macroeconomic model that combines an incomplete-markets overlapping-generations economy with a job ladder featuring sequential wage bargaining, endogenous search effort of employed and non-employed workers, and differences in match quality. The calibrated model offers a good fit to the empirical age profiles of search activity, job-finding rates, wages and savings, so that we ...

    Bonn: Institute of Labor Economics (IZA), 2023,
    (IZA DP No. 16664)
    | Leo Kaas, Etienne Lalé, Siassi Nawid
  • Employment trajectories of workers in low-skilled jobs in Western Germany

    According to the segmentation theory, low-skilled jobs belong to the secondary sector of the labour market. Low-skilled jobs do not require vocational training and workers are interchangeable. Therefore, workers in this sector have poor working conditions and are regularly affected by employment interruptions. The current state of research, however, does not provide any longitudinal information about ...

    In: Journal for Labour Market Research 57 (2023), 1, 21 | Arthur Kaboth, Lena Hünefeld, Ralf Himmelreicher
  • Landlords vs Tenants = Top vs Bottom? Class Positions in Rental Housing in Germany

    Home ownership status is closely linked to social inequality in Germany, where tenants face several disadvantages in multiple dimensions. Even though Germany is one of the biggest renter and therefore landlord nations, in the context of the housing question it is the demand side that has been discussed and studied most. Less attention has been given to the supply side, particularly individual small-scale ...

    In: Critical Housing Analysis 10 (2023), 1, 66-76 | Philipp Kadelke
  • DIW focus / 2023

    Private Kleinvermieter*innen in Deutschland: Ein Sozialprofil der größten Anbietergruppe auf dem Mietwohnungsmarkt

    Die Wohnungsfrage: wie alle Menschen mit Wohnraum versorgt werden können, ist angesichts von Wohnungsknappheit und steigenden Preisen ein drängendes gesellschaftliches Problem mit weitreichenden Konsequenzen für das Wohlergehen der Bevölkerung und damit auch der Entwicklung der Gesellschaft. Die Wohnungsfrage ist eng verknüpft mit anderen (Krisen-)Phänomenen, wie Bevölkerungsentwicklung, Klimaerhitzung, ...

    2023| Philipp Kadelke
  • The Inequity Z: Income Fairness Perceptions in Europe across the Income Distribution

    Using data from the European Social Survey, we examine income fairness evaluations of 17,605 respondents from 28 countries. Respondents evaluated the fairness of their own incomes as well as the fairness of the incomes of the top and bottom income deciles in their countries. Depicted on a single graph, these income fairness evaluations take on a Z-shaped form, which we call the “inequity Z”. The inequity ...

    In: Socius 9 (2023), 23780231231167138 | Fabian Kalleitner, Sandra Bohmann
  • Estimating the Returns to Education Using a Machine Learning Approach – Evidence for Different Regions

    This article revisits the Mincer earnings function and presents comparable estimates of the average monetary returns associated with an additional year of education across different regions worldwide. In contrast to the traditional Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method commonly employed in the literature, this study applied a cutting-edge approach known as Support Vector Regression (SVR), which belongs ...

    In: Open Education Studies 5 (2023), 1, 20220201 | Herve D. Teguim Kamdjou
15364 Ergebnisse, ab 11