The role of ethnic clustering in ethnic identity formation has remained unexplored, mainly due to missing detailed data. This study closes the knowledge gap for Germany by employing a unique combination of datasets, the survey data from the German Socio-Economic Panel and disaggregated information at low geographical levels from the last two but still unexploited full German censuses, 1970 and 1987. ...
We evaluate the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the life satisfaction of healthcare workers, as compared to the wider workforce, in five European countries. In ten waves of quarterly panel data, the life satisfaction of healthcare workers is always higher than that of other essential workers and non-essential workers. Life satisfaction follows a double humped pattern over time for all workers, which ...
The financial sector plays a crucial role in society. Consequently, prior research has examined the preferences of professionals working in finance. However, these studies have tended to be cross-sectional and have neglected the dynamic roles played by (self-)selection and socialization. This paper uses longitudinal data from Germany to examine how individuals’ financial risk preferences affect their ...
Die Expertise erörtert den internationalen Forschungsstand zu Einsamkeit und Armut. Der Tenor dieser Studien ist eindeutig: Menschen, die von Armut betroffen sind, fühlen sich stärker einsam. Sie sind zudem häufiger sozial isoliert. Basierend auf diesen Erkenntnissen werden für Deutschland multivariate Analysen auf Datenbasis des Sozio-Oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) für die Jahre 1985 bis 2020 durchgeführt. ...
Measures based on self-assessments, which are increasingly important in empirical economic research, are plagued by measurement error. This paper presents the first attempt at measuring both revealed and self-reported reliability of individuals’ answers on selfreports of latent characteristics. We show that measurement error on self-reports relevant to economists is heterogeneous across individuals ...
Background: Research has demonstrated the damaging effects of poly-victimization on the mental health of children and adolescents. However, few studies have been conducted in high-risk youth in care (Y-IC) samples. Objective: The study examines the frequency of lifetime victimization and the association of poly-victimization and victimization types on depressiveness, suicidality, and feelings of loneliness ...
A large percentage of workers in Europe perceive their earnings to be unfairly low. Such perceptions of unfairness can have far-reaching consequences, ranging from low satisfaction to poor health. To gain insight into the conditions that can attenuate or amplify these adverse consequences, comparative research on the role of country contexts in shaping responses to perceived unfairness is needed. Furthermore, ...
Despite Rawls’ famous call to distinguish between justice and fairness, these and other justice-related words often seem to be used interchangeably by both ordinary people and justice researchers. Based on a survey-embedded question wording experiment (N = 4534) fielded in Germany as part of the GESIS Panel, we explore the effects of three justice words— “just,” “fair,” and “appropriate”—on the sense ...