SOEP User Survey

To provide the best conditions for working with SOEP data, we regularly conduct user surveys on various topics.

In order to continuously optimize its services, the SOEP has been inviting all data users to take part in an annual User Survey since 2014. The aim of the survey is to gain important insights into how the SOEP datasets are used and perceived by the international research community. At the end of 2023, our data users were asked to evaluate our work and express their wishes and criticisms.

The questionnaire was shortened to 31 questions this year, which also reduced the average completion time to 8.5 minutes. This year, a total of 837 people took the time to participate in the user survey, 65.5 % of them for the first time. We thank everyone who participated!

Participating users

  • The average age of respondents was 38.5 years, with an age range of 21 to 80 years.
  • 45.3 % identified as female, 53.9 % as male, and 0.8 % as diverse.
  • 73.3 % work at an institution in Germany, while around 19.2 % work at an institution in the remaining European countries and 7.5 % at an institution outside Europe.
  • Most respondents come from the fields of economics (40.2 %), sociology/social sciences (29.3 %), and psychology (8.7 %).
  • Almost half (48.4 %) have teaching duties at the time of the survey and 31.5 % supervise junior researchers.
  • More than half are research assistants, post-docs or professors (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Status of respondents as researchers

Use of statistical software





76,4 %

20,5 %


71,8 %

36,2 %


69,9 %

42,2 %


70,6 %

41,5 %

Table 1: Distribution of the use of Stata and R from 2019 to 2023

Stata (70.6 %) and R (41.5 %) continue to be the preferred statistical programs of our data users. It is striking that the proportion of R users has more than doubled since 2019 (refer to Table 1). Among new users in particular, namely those who started working with SOEP data in 2022 or later, there appears to be a trend towards R: 43.5 % of new users use R, 68.5 % use Stata. Among long-time users, Stata is still clearly preferred at 79 %. 

Purposes of data use

The majority of our respondents (69.2 %) utilize SOEP data as their primary data for their research endeavors. Additionally, 40.1 % of respondents utilize the SOEP data for comparative analyses with other datasets, 18 % engage in international comparative studies, and 12 % employ the data for checks on representativeness. The majority of those who conduct research with SOEP data conduct their analyses at the individual level, while just under a fifth of respondents (19.5 %) use the SOEP regional data in their analyses (Figure 2). Most research leveraging SOEP data predominantly culminates in publications within scientific journals, as well as in various research reports and projects (Figure 3). Furthermore, a significant number of term papers, theses, and dissertations also rely on SOEP data.

Figure 2: Distribution of analysis levels when using SOEP data

Figure 3: Distribution of the use of SOEP data by type of scientific work

Consistently high level of satisfaction

At 7.8 out of 10 points, the overall satisfaction of the respondents with the SOEP is almost unchanged compared to 2022 and thus remains at a consistently high level. The reliability, comparability, and comprehensive sample size of the SOEP data are particularly positively emphasized (Figure 4). Users praise the thematic diversity of the SOEP as well as the variety of variables, data quality, and user support. For many, the long time series in conjunction with the sample diversity and richness represent valuable research potential. 

Figure 4: Average satisfaction of respondents with individual aspects of data quality (mean)

Despite high satisfaction ratings, our users point to potential for improvement in terms of user-friendliness and documentation. It is therefore all the more pleasing that these quality aspects were each rated 0.3 percentage points better than the previous year (Figure 5). Initiatives such as our introductory workshop SOEPcampus, the digital handbook SOEPcompanion and the documentation platform are being continuously strengthened in order to further facilitate access to and use of SOEP data despite growing data volumes. For new users, the SOEPtutorials offer the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the complex data structure.

Figure 5: Satisfaction with aspects of data quality compared to previous years (mean values 2019, 2021-2023)

SOEP-IS: High satisfaction with innovation modules

SOEP-IS aims to enable innovative data collection for the scientific community. It is particularly suitable for introducing new measurement instruments in long-term surveys, for short and long-term experiments, and for collecting non-survey data such as biomarkers and app studies. Around 16.9 % of respondents have already worked with SOEP-IS once or even do so regularly. Since 2018, all evaluation results have also improved: respondents rated the accessibility of SOEP-IS data with an average of 8.3/10 points, data quality with 8.3/10 and documentation with 7.3/10 (Figure 6).

Figure 6: Satisfaction with the data quality of the SOEP innovation modules, mean values 2018 and 2023

In order to ensure continuous participation in the surveys and data quality in the future, studies must adapt to the changing social reality, particularly with regard to mobility and digitalization. Video telephone interviews are planned for 2024 for the first time, in which some of the surveys will be conducted as computer-assisted live video interviews (CALVI). The insights gained from this will be incorporated into the development of a multimodal survey strategy for 2025.

News from the Research Data Center and Survey Management

In the current survey, some of our data users are critical of the delays in data release that occurred during the transition of the survey institute. We are therefore all the more pleased that three milestones have already been reached in 2024 to speed up the processes:

  • The changeover processes related to the change of the survey institute have now been completed, which means that the final data for 2023 is expected to be available five months earlier than last year.
  • The field start for the 2024 survey year is earlier than ever before since the start of the collaboration with Infas (calendar week 9).
  • Questionnaire development for the 2025 survey year will also begin in April 2024, more than two months earlier than in the previous year.

This progress sets new standards in data preparation and provision. We are confident that we will be able to provide data earlier again in the future.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the 2023 User Survey!

From November 2022 to early January 2023, SOEP data users had the opportunity to participate in our annual SOEP User Survey. The online survey allows users to give us their opinions, requests, and critiques and to tell us about their experiences and any problems they may be having with the data. This year’s questionnaire was shortened to 35 questions.

The focus of the 2022 User Survey was on how and when users get the data. Since we need our users’ continuous input and suggestions to improve, we are very grateful to the 974 data users who participated!

Survey respondents

This was the first SOEP User Survey for around 63% of our respondents. More than half of all respondents were male. Sixty-two percent were between 21 and 40 years old, and the average age was 40. About 70% are using Stata as a statistical program to analyze SOEP data.

Aspects of data quality

This year, respondents were asked about their satisfaction with various aspects of SOEP data quality. On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is “completely dissatisfied” and 10 is “completely satisfied,” respondents were asked to rate various aspects of data quality. Figure 1 shows the mean values for the various aspects. The results show that SOEP scores high with data users on its trustworthiness as a data source. Users are also satisfied with the comparability of the data, the composition of the samples, the relevance of the study, and the accessibility of the datasets. Due to the complexity of the data and long period of time covered by the survey, users starting out with the SOEP are somewhat less satisfied when it comes to the user-friendliness and documentation of SOEP-Core data. The SOEP’s Getting Started initiative was launched to address these issues, and solutions to these problems are underway. The data documentation platform is continually being expanded to include additional information and features. And for new users, the SOEPtutorials video series and the SOEPcompanion digital manual have made it easier to get started working with SOEP data. Online and in-person SOEPcampus workshops are also very popular and provide an excellent hands-on introduction to the data. We hope that these resources will be utilized by users in the future and that they will increase satisfaction with the documentation and user-friendliness of the SOEP data.

Figure 1: Satisfaction with Aspects of SOEP Data Quality – Rating scale from 0 (completely dissatisfied) to 10 (completely satisfied)

Getting the SOEP data to users

Another topic of the survey was what data users think about getting the SOEP data earlier.

The preparation and merging of SOEP data from the different samples as well as the creation of additional generated variables and the weighting and imputation of missing values are time-consuming processes. For this reason, six to 12 months elapse between the completion of fieldwork and the release of the data to our users.

Because of this relatively long wait, we were especially interested in finding out how users would feel about getting the data sooner. Overall, the results show that our users are not completely in agreement: 46% would like to get the data earlier (Figure 2). Of these, 11% would find it helpful to get the data along with weighting variables and additional generated data, 9% would like the data with weighting variables only, and 26% would like just the checked data. More than half of data users are not interested in receiving the data earlier and are quite willing to wait. (see Figure 2).

Figure 2: Interest in Receiving SOEP Data Earlier

Thank you again to everyone who took part in our 2022 User Survey

After a one-year break, from November 2021 to the beginning of January 2022 all SOEP users had the opportunity to participate in the SOEP User Survey 2021. They were given the opportunity to submit opinions, wishes and ideas, but also criticism and potentially emerging problems to the SOEP team. In addition to the classic questions regarding our services and infrastructure work, this year we asked about the use of specific data sets. We would like to thank the total of 1011 participants for their rich feedback and many suggestions.

Usage of our net data sets

This year our survey has a larger block of topics about the usage of net data sets. Among them were questions about the reasons when net data sets are not used. We asked about 4 data sets from the following questionnaires: parent-child questionnaires (bioagel), "schoolchildren" or "early youth" questionnaires (biopupil), youth questionnaires (jugendl), and "deceased person" questionnaires (vpl). In the course of this, we found that 3/4 of the participants in each case had never previously used the data from the respective questionnaires (Figure 1). Slightly less than one third of the users regularly work with the data set bioagel.

Figure 1

When asked why the data were never used for any of your analyses, more than half of the users indicated that they had no research interest in the populations (Figure 2). About 18% of users have no knowledge of the data from the questionnaires. Others feel that the data is not suitable for analyzing their research question.

Figure 2

This year, we asked for the largest time span that users have ever evaluated in a relevant analysis. Almost 1/5 of users use all 36 waves, meaning the time span between 1984 and 2019 (Figure 3).  9% of all users have worked with 35 waves, and 34 waves are used by 5% of participants. Less than 5% of respondents use a time span less than 33 years. This indicates that for the majority of users all 36 waves are relevant for working with SOEP data.

Data Usage

This year, users were asked about the largest time span they have ever evaluated in a relevant analysis. Half of the users use the time span between 26 and 36 years (Figure 3). Only 6% use the time range between 1 and 5 years. Almost 1/5 of users use all 36 waves.

Figure 3

Another topic this year was the knowledge or use of special samples. The most frequently used samples by our users are the migration sample M1/2 and the sample for refugees M3-5 (Figure 4). Both samples attract a lot of interest. The samples Social City and LGB* are presumably more relevant for specific questions and are thus used less on their own.

Figure 4

SOEP Users

About 71% of respondents had never participated in a SOEP user survey before and participated for the first time in November. Overall, about 58% of all users were male in 2021. 70% of users are between 21 and 40 years old. As before, most users are in economics and social sciences, with more than 74% of all respondents locating themselves in these two disciplines.

Once again, we would like to thank all participants for their active participation!

The 2019 SOEP User Survey, conducted from mid-December 2019 to early January 2020, marked both the start of a new decade and the ten-year anniversary of the SOEP User Survey. Every year, the SOEP User Survey gives data users the opportunity to tell us about their experiences working with the SOEP data. Our 2019 survey focused on three topics: the technical preconditions for data analysis, the quality of the SOEP data, and our Getting Started services. We are grateful to the 812 respondents, whose valuable input will help us to continue developing and improving the SOEP further.

Technical Preconditions

In this section of the survey, we asked data users what technical problems they had experienced, if any, and what hardware and software they needed to be able to work well with the SOEP data. The majority of users had no problems opening the SOEP datasets, but some had difficulties, for instance, processing the numerous variables in our individual long-format dataset in Stata/IC (Figure 1).

Based on this feedback, we developed several recommendations for data users. We recommend the use of Stata/MP or Stata/SE on a computer with an internal memory of 16GB. Users can still work with the data in Stata/IC or on less powerful computers, but some modifications, such as the commands “describe using pl.dta” and “use pid syear plVARS using pl.dta”, allow users work effectively with even our largest datasets while placing low demands on their hard- and software.

Figure 1

© DIW Berlin

Data Quality

In the second section of the survey, we asked users what they thought about various aspects of SOEP data quality. The results show strengths in the areas of reliability and punctuality. Users saw the greatest potential for improvement in the areas of documentation and user-friendliness. Based on this feedback, we have introduced improvements in these areas—for instance, in our Getting Started toolbox of services for new and returning data users.

Figure 2

© DIW Berlin

On a Likert scale, the means are displayed as a blue line and the medians by status of researchers as red dots.

 Getting Started

The results of our 2018 User Survey showed a need for improvements in user-friendliness of the data, so over the course of 2019, the SOEP continued developing Getting Started, a toolbox of services designed to facilitate data use for new and returning users. These services include, SOEPcompanion, SOEPtutorials, and SOEPhelp. In our 2019 User Survey, we invited users to rate these services. We asked whether they knew of each service, whether they had ever used it, and if so, whether they used it regularly or just occasionally. We then asked whether they would recommend each service to others. We only included answers from respondents who had used a service at least once. The survey results show that a large majority of SOEP data users would recommend our Getting Started services to others.

Figure 3

© DIW Berlin

We are grateful to all of the users who took part in our User Survey and look forward to the next ten years of working together with the SOEP research community.

In 2018, the SOEP User Survey entered its ninth year as an online survey. The annual survey invites users to give us their opinions, ideas, wishes, and critique, and to alert us to potential problems. This year, we shortened the questionnaire slightly to focus more on how researchers use and assess the different datasets and to give users more opportunities for feedback. We are grateful to the 797 respondents to our 2018 User Survey for their suggestions, which will help us to continue improving our data and services.

Data Analysis

To stay abreast of the changing needs of SOEP data users and to create the best possible conditions for analyzing the SOEP data, we regularly ask what statistical software users work with. While Stata use had increased in popularity in previous years, it declined in 2018 (Figure 1, multiple answers allowed). Stata remains the most popular statistical software among SOEP users at 76 percent, followed by the programming language R at 31 percent. To respond to this trend, we will be providing a version of future data releases formatted for analysis in R.

Figure 1

© DIW Berlin

Use of the Studies

We are not only interested in finding out what software SOEP users work with, but also in what they are analyzing. The question of which SOEP datasets users work with regularly has been part of our user survey for many years. The results for 2018 present a stable picture relative to previous years (Figure 2). In 2018, 36% of users reported using SOEP-Core on a regular basis, and over two thirds of SOEP users have worked with SOEP-Core at least once. Just under one third of users reported regular use of SOEPlong, a dataset that we provide in easier-to-use “long” form. Survey results showed that users are less familiar with SOEPlong than with SOEP-Core. Regular use of SOEP-IS, a sample designed for innovative research questions, is relatively low (3%). Around one third of all users were not aware of SOEP-IS.

Figure 2

© DIW Berlin

Important Aspects of the SOEP

As in 2017, our 2018 User Survey asked users to rate the SOEP on specific quality criteria (Figure 3). Again using a seven-point Likert scale, users first rated how important each of the quality criteria was to them, and then evaluated the SOEP’s current performance in each area. The results show that users place the highest importance on understanding the process of data generation and on getting a quick idea of whether SOEP data would fit their research project. Both categories show a negative difference between expectations and realities. The SOEP is exceeding users’ expectations in the punctuality of data releases and in the e-mail information sent out to users about new SOEP studies and projects.

Figure 3

© DIW Berlin

Strength and Weaknesses

Sometimes we see ourselves differently from how others see us. To be able to build on our strengths and improve on our weaknesses, we asked users to tell us the SOEP’s three greatest strengths and weaknesses in an open-answer question. We sorted the diverse answers into 16 thematic categories. We compared the number of respondents who considered each category a strength or weakness and compiled the overview in Figure 4. The SOEP’s three greatest strengths were in the diversity and number of themes and variables, the long duration of the study, and the data format. Data access is a less pronounced strength: users regard it as positive but see some potential for improvement. Significant weaknesses lie in the user-friendliness of the data and documentation. We addressed both points in the data release following the 2018 user survey: we now provide an integrated version of the data, and our new SOEPcompanion is online at

Figure 4

© DIW Berlin

We are grateful to all of the respondents to our 2018 User Survey for their useful feedback and suggestions!


From November 20, 2017, to January 3, 2018, SOEP users had the opportunity to take part in our annual SOEP User Survey and contribute their opinions, requests, and ideas for the further development of the services provided by the SOEP. In addition to standard questions about our various services and infrastructural work, this year’s user survey also included questions focusing on optimizing user friendliness. We are grateful to the 757 users who participated in the survey for their valuable feedback and many suggestions.


Working with the SOEP data for the first time often poses a major challenge to our users. In order to increase user friendliness and address the specific problems users face, we wanted to start by clearly defining our SOEP user community. Around 63 percent of respondents worked with the SOEP for the first time in 2016 or 2017 and can therefore be considered “new users.” We refer to the approximately 37 percent of respondents who had used the SOEP data for the first time before 2016 as “old users.” Our new users are, on average, 31 years old, female (53 percent), and work in economics (62 percent) as doctoral students (35 percent) or research assistants (29 percent). Old users are approximately seven years older, and the majority are male (65 percent) and professors (33 percent) or research assistants (39 percent) in economics (43 percent) and sociology (42 percent).

SOEP Service

Figure 1

This year, SOEP User Survey respondents were asked to rate the SOEP on a series of quality criteria (Figure 1) using a seven-point Likert scale. We then compared users’ expectations for each criterion with their ratings of the SOEP’s performance. The SOEP exceeded users’ expectations in areas such as punctuality of data release, information on new studies and projects, and the possibility to submit questions to SOEP-IS, and performed below users’ expectations in the area “understandable data generation process”.

 User Friendliness

Figure 2

To identify potential problems faced by first-time SOEP data users, this year’s survey asked respondents what subjects they would like to have covered in the SOEP’s instructional materials (Figure 2). Users were asked to think back to the first time they worked with the SOEP data and rate (on a seven-point Likert scale) how useful an instructional manual on specific topics would have been at that time, and whether the currently available instructional materials are sufficient. Respondents rated instructions on how to find the history of questions and variables (mean: 5.6) and understand the meaning of terms for datasets and variables (mean: 5.6) as extremely important. They reported having problems especially in “finding the history of questions and variables,” and felt that the available information (mean: 4.6) should be expanded. In the area “survey instruments and their contents,” the information provided by the SOEP met users’ expectations. Users rated detailed written descriptions with screenshots as their preferred form of instructional materials (Figure 3).


Figure 3

Figure 4

The SOEP offers an array of SOEPcampus events to make it easier to get started working with the SOEP. To tailor our workshops to old and new users’ needs, we asked User Survey respondents how important the various types of workshops are (Figure 4). When comparing the percentages of old and new users who rated a particular workshop as “very important,” we found differences in demands: introductory workshops on “techniques for preparing datasets for analysis” (difference: 18 percent) and “methods for analyzing longitudinal data (e.g., panel regression)” were much more important to new users. Among old users, there was a higher demand for an “introduction into the use of” (difference: -14%).

The extensive feedback from our User Survey is a valuable source of information that helps us to continually improve our work and our services. We are very grateful to all of the SOEP users who participated in our survey in 2017!



As we reported in the last SOEPnewsletter, a number of SOEP users were kind enough to participate in the user survey during the last two months of 2016. In addition to the classical questions on our services and infrastructure work, we were highly interested in finding out the level of user awareness about our various studies and how SOEP data are used. Approximately 30 percent of the 713 total respondents were new users who worked with the SOEP data for the first time in 2016. For the sixth year in a row, our survey was targeted to all SOEP data users and contracting parties.

Awareness level of the studies

This year, our questionnaire contained a larger group of topics on the awareness of and interest in our SOEP-based studies and their strengths and weaknesses. As a result, we were able to determine that around half of the respondents were not aware of the options that SOEP -IS offers, but found them interesting and would probably use them in the future (see Figures 1 and 2). This included the option of proposing questions and experiments for SOEP-IS, or evaluating other researchers’ questions and experiments after a suitable hiatus period. The survey also showed that many respondents are interested in the IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees in Germany and using the dataset available in November 2017 (see Figure 3).

© DIW Berlin

© DIW Berlin

© DIW Berlin

Use of the data

With regard to the use of our data, we also wanted to find out which statistics programs researchers use and with which frequency (see Figure 4). Stata is now used by 75 percent of users and has established itself as the most frequently used program. And R is gaining in frequency of use.

© DIW Berlin

Thanks to the very detailed feedback from our respondents, we have also received valuable suggestions on how to make our work and the services we offer even better. Their suggestions for improving documentation have provided us with the impetus to be clearer and more user-friendly concerning this. We are aware that the “landscape of SOEP studies” is filling up, and providing suitable aids is essential for beginning to work with SOEP or continuing to use it. For this reason, in addition to restructuring the metadata portal, we plan to completely revise the SOEPlong documentation. When integrating the IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees, we will update the existing SOEP data structure and provide additional separate variables generated purely for the migration. They will be documented in an understandable manner. Using our familiar channels (the SOEPnewsletter and SOEP website), we will keep you informed on the status of these activities.

We would again like to express our gratitude to all 2016 user survey respondents!


In winter 2015, 771 SOEP users again took part in the SOEP user survey. This year’s survey covered classic questions about SOEP service and infrastructure as well as the new topics of data sharing in academia and re-analysis of data. To ensure the highest possible participation in our survey, we sent the invitation to an integrated mailing list consisting of longtime SOEP users with a data distribution contract, new users who signed a subcontract for data use within the last year, users who download the SOEP data, and members of the SOEP mailing list. We are proud to report that we achieved the highest number of responses of any year since the start of our user survey. Participation increased 13% over 2014 (see Figure 1). We are very grateful to everyone who participated in the survey.

We do not know the characteristics of our entire user community. In the following we use the term “user community” to refer to those users who participated in our user survey.

Figure 1

The results show that in 2015, our user community was 41% women and 59% men: an 8 percentage point increase in female users and the highest number of female users since the beginning of the survey in 2004.

Research staff and post-doctoral students made up one third of all respondents to the user survey, while the percentage of professors has declined since last year. This has been accompanied by a decline in the use of SOEP data in teaching (from 69% in 2014 to 61% in 2015).

The research fields represented by SOEP users have not changed in a significant manner since the last user survey. The proportion of respondents from the field of economics has declined to 45% since the last survey. Around 41% of our users are from the social sciences or sociology.

Data distribution

In this year’s user survey, we wanted to find out our users’ preferences for data distribution. The increasing complexity of the SOEP sample means an increasing amount of effort to generate the data. To meet this challenge, the SOEP staff is constantly working to improve the process of data preparation and generation. We want to give you—our users—the opportunity to tell us your preferences so that we can meet your needs as well as possible. In the survey, respondents were asked to drag and drop the aspects of “advance data access”, “quality of data checking and testing” and “completeness of the data” into their own order of importance (see Figure 2). The results show that for our users, “advance data access” is less important than data quality checking or data completeness.

Based on this, we have concluded that we should put more weight on completeness and data checking procedures, even if this means delays in data provision.

Figure 2

Data documentation

We use our annual survey to evaluate the various services we provide. Respondents were asked to rate on a scale from 0 to 10 how satisfied they were with SOEP contract management, data, data downloads, and documentation. In all of these areas, the
overwhelming majority of responding users were very satisfied with our services. And in some areas, respondents rated us even higher this year than in 2014.

The importance of data documentation is also evident from the critiques and suggestions provided by respondents, which confirm the need to continue improving our work in this area. An important step in this direction has been taken with the introduction of our new metadata portal, The difficulties entailed by learning a new way of
working are evident in Figure 3. Many of our users continue to use our old metadata portal, SOEPinfo, which continues to run parallel to Almost half of all respondents were not yet aware of, at least not under this new name
that we introduced instead of SOEPinfo v.2. Thanks to our respondents’ extensive feedback, we have valuable ideas for facilitating the transition to

We are working hard to optimize and to make it as user-friendly as possible. We encourage all users to take the leap and switch over, since contains documentation not only on SOEP-Core but also on the practical new SOEPlong, as well as the SOEP Innovation Sample (SOEP-IS) and other related longitudinal studies.

Figure 3

Thank you again to everyone who participated in our 2015 SOEP User Survey!

In fall 2014, a notable 662 SOEP users—to whom we are very grateful—took part again in our SOEP User Survey and gave us feedback on the range of services we currently provide. We are very pleased to be able to rely on a stable user community for our annual online survey. The number of users who completed the entire survey has risen continuously over the last four years (see Figure 1). Of the 662 users who expressed interest, 581 completed the survey, which means a dropout rate of around 12%, which was down slightly from the previous year (16%).

Figure 1

- A rising number of professors act as mulitpliers of the SOEP -

The results of the survey show a change in the composition of our user community with regard to occupational status and location of the institution. While the percentage of students dropped from 14.5 % in 2013 to 8.7% in 2014, the percentage of professors has increased substantially to 45.7% (previous year: 24.7%). 

At the same time, the share of participants not personally working nor having worked with the SOEP data increases. Figure 2 illustrates the increase of professors using the data passively, taking more of a role in disseminating the use of the SOEP. Sixty-four per cent (64%) of professors respond with “yes” to the additional question of whether they supervise junior researchers with a thesis using SOEP data. We are pleased with this channel of enlarging our user community, although many of our questions in the user survey can only be answered with first-hand experience working with the SOEP data.

Figure 2

- Datendownload gut angenommen, Dokumentation verbesserungswürdig -

The survey always asks respondents to evaluate each of our individual service areas. As seen in Figure 3, users gave high marks for the data download service introduced in 2013. Users reported equally high levels of satisfaction with the quality of the data and contract management. In the area of documentation, however, respondents saw room for improvement. We are well aware of the importance of our data documentation and are working constantly to improve in this area. One example is the recently updated Desktop Companion. Since the SOEP is still expanding with its various Related Studies (SOEP-RS), increasing effort is required to produce detailed documentation. Integrating the FiD study, which ran through 2014, into SOEP Core poses one such challenge. In 2015, we will be focusing on adapting these data to guarantee consistent and user-friendly documentation of the SOEP data.

Figure 3

- SOEPinfo v.2 to provide better access to data documentation -

In addition, we plan to further establish the use of our new metadata portal, SOEPinfo v.2, in our user community. It was developed as part of the open-source project “DDI on Rails” and includes not only thorough documentation of SOEP Core from the previous online resource, SOEPinfo, but also a complete picture of the SOEPlong data. The user survey showed that just a few months after SOEPinfo v.2 was introduced, around one-third of all respondents had already worked with it (see Figure 4). This group of respondents gave the version they used an average of 7 out of 10 possible points. In four out of six subcategories—visual design, information content, quality of the generated syntax, and response speed—the average rating was 7 or above. Overall, users’ evaluations of the new SOEPinfo were around equally high as those in 2011 in the same categories.

Figure 4

Survey respondents who had not used the new SOEPinfo v.2 reported that they were continuing to use the old SOEPinfo mainly out of habit or because they did not see a need to switch. We are very curious to see how users will respond to the question of which data documentation sources they use in the next user survey. Until then, we would like to encourage all our users to take advantage of this new service SOEPinfo v.2 and especially of the opportunity to provide us with your feedback.

Contact Persons

Selin Kara
Selin Kara

Specialist in market and social research in the German Socio-Economic Panel study Department
