SOEP Practice Dataset

This dataset in Stata format is based on the original SOEP data, but provides the data in significantly altered and fully anonymous form. This means that the practice dataset can be used without the need for any contracts or user agreements. The practice dataset consists of original variables, covers five time points, and is available in the “long” format. The dataset is provided in German and English.

Dataset Information

Title: SOEP practice dataset

DOI info : 10.5684/soep.practice.v36
Collection period: 2015-2019
Publication Date: 31.01.2022

Population: Persons living in private households in Germany.

Number of individuals: 6.355

Selection: To anonymize the variables, an algorithm was used that largely maintains the longitudinal consistency in the original data.

Usability: The practice dataset is suited to calculating panel-specific univariate statistics (intra- and inter-individual correlation patterns, transition rates) in classes on descriptive methods. In the context of multivariate analysis, the dataset is useful for teaching (panel) regression techniques

Citation of data: SOEP Practice Dataset, Data from  2015-2019. 2022. DOI: 10.5684/soep.practice.v36

The data ist available under Grafik_CC-BY-Lizenz_Symbol_88x31.png

For more information on the original data used here.

