Title: IAB-SOEP Migration Samples, data of the years 2013-2021, Update
DOI: 10.5684/soep.iab-soep-mig.2021.1
Publication date: 2023-11-13
Principal investigators: Herbert Brücker, Yuliya Kosyakova, Sabine Zinn
Co-PIs: Tanja Fendel, Parvati Trübswetter, Ehsan Vallizadeh
Affiliated staff members for providing the Scientific Use File: Jan Goebel, Markus M. Grabka, Carsten Schröder, Sabine Zinn, Charlotte Bartels, Matthis Beckmannshagen, Andreas Franken, Martin Gerike, Florian Griese, Christoph Halbmeier, Selin Kara, Peter Krause, Elisabeth Liebau, Jana Nebelin, Marvin Petrenz, Sarah Satilmis, Rainer Siegers, Hans Walter Steinhauer, Knut Wenzig, Stefan Zimmermann
Data collection: infas Institut für angewandte Sozialwissenschaft
Collection period: 2013-2021
Citation of the data set: IAB-SOEP Migration Samples, data of the years 2013-2021 - Update, DOI : 10.5684/soep.iab-soep-mig.2021.1 or - if used as part of this - 10.5684/soep.v38.1eu.
If you publish using this data, it is mandatory to quote the following reference:
Herbert Brücker, Martin Kroh, Simone Bartsch, Jan Goebel, Simon Kühne, Elisabeth Liebau, Parvati Trübswetter, Ingrid Tucci & Jürgen Schupp (2014): The new IAB-SOEP Migration Sample: an introduction into the methodology and the contents. SOEP Survey Paper 216, Series C. Berlin, Nürnberg: DIW Berlin.
Further information and documentation on the dataset can be found on the SOEP-Core v38.1eu page.