Title: SOEP Innovation Sample (SOEP-IS), data from 1998-2014
DOI Find an explanation on the usage of DOI here.: 10.5684/soep.is.2014.1
Collection period: 1998-2014
Publication date: Aug. 08, 2016
Principal investigators: Jürgen Schupp, David Richter, Jan Goebel, Martin Kroh, Carsten Schröder, Elisabeth Liebau, Maria Metzing, Kurt Wenzig
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Publications using this file should refer to the above DOI and cite following reference
David Richter, Jürgen Schupp. 2015. The SOEP Innovation Sample (SOEP IS). Schmollers Jahrbuch 135 (3), 389-399 (doi: 10.3790/schm.135.3.389)
(prepublished 2012: SOEP Innovation Sample (SOEP-IS) - Description, Structure and Documentation.SOEPpaper 463 | PDF, 162.91 KB : Berlin. DIW Berlin)
1) SOEP-IS 2014—PPFAD: Person-related Meta-dataset
2) SOEP-IS 2014—PBRUTTO: Person-related Gross File
3) SOEP-IS 2014—HBRUTTO: Household-related Gross File
4) SOEP-IS 2014—PGEN: Person-related Status and Generated Variables
5) SOEP-IS 2014—HGEN: Household-related Status and Generated Variables
6) SOEP-IS 2014—P: Variables from the Individual Question Module
7) SOEP-IS 2014—H: Variables from the Household Question Module
8) SOEP-IS 2014—BIO: Variables from the Life Course Question Module
9) SOEP-IS 2014—BIOPAREN: Biography Information on the Parents
10) SOEP-IS 2014.1—BIOAGE: Variables from the Modules of Questions on Children
11) SOEP-IS 2014—BIOBIRTH: Birth Biography of Female and Male Respondents
12) SOEP-IS 2014—KID: Pooled Dataset on Children
13) SOEP-IS 2014—INNO: Variables from the Innovation Modules
14) SOEP-IS 2014—IDRM: Person-related Data from Innovative DRM Module
1) Categorizing Open Answers in the DRM Module of SOEP-IS
2) SOEP-IS modules 2011-2018 – Descriptions
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