Additional questionnaire to the SOEP-Core study in 2018
Two intentions were intended with the creation of the data set:
Main topics of the data set are:
Class, Fabian, Ulrich Kohler and Marian Krawietz (2018): The Potsdam Grievance Statistics File. New data on quality of life and
participation for the German Democratic Republic 1970–1989, Historical Methods 51 (2), 92-114, DOI 10.1080/01615440.2018.1429970.
Krawietz, Marian; Kohler, Ulrich; Class, Fabian; Albrecht, Sophia (2018): The Potsdam Grievance Statistic File (PGSF). GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA6413 Data file Version 1.1.0,
Title: Living in the GDR (SOEP)
DOIFind an explanation on the usage of DOI here.: 10.5684/soep.ddr18
Collection period: 2018
Publication date: 02.11.2019
Creator: Sophia Albrecht (Universität Potsdam), Fabian Class (Universität Potsdam), Jan Goebel (DIW Berlin), Ulrich Kohler (Universität Potsdam), Marian Krawietz (Universität Potsdam)
Data collector: Kantar Germany
Population:Persons lived in the former GDR before 1990, born before 1973 and part of the SOEP respondents in 2018.
Selection method: All samples of SOEP are multi-stage random samples which are regionally clustered. The respondents (households) are selected by random-walk or register sample.
Collection mode: Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
Dataset information:
Unit type: | Individual |
Number of Units: | 2315 |
Number of Variables: | 132 |
Further information and documentation on the dataset can be found on the SOEP-Core v35 page.
Publications using this file should refer to the above DOI Find an explanation on the usage of DOI here.and cite following references
If you do not exclude the cases of the migration samples in your analysis, then please also cite the following reference
If you do not exclude the cases of the refugee samples in your analysis, please also cite: IAB-BAMF-SOEP survey of refugees (M3-M5), data for the years 2016-2021,
If you use data from the SOEP-LEE2 surveys, please also cite:
If you would like to refer more specifically, please also cite:
Individual (PAPI) 2018: Field-de Field-en Var-de Var-en
Household (PAPI) 2018: Field-de Field-en Var-de Var-en
Biography (PAPI) 2018: Field-de,en Var-de Var-en
Catch-up Individual (PAPI) 2018: Field-de Var-de Var-en
Youth (16-17-year-olds, PAPI) 2018: Field-de Var-de Var-en
Early Youth (13-14-year-olds, PAPI) 2018: Field-de Var-de Var-en
Pre-teen (11-12-year-olds, PAPI) 2018: Field-de Var-en Var-en
Mother and Child (Newborns, PAPI) 2018: Field-de Var-de Var-en
Mother and Child (2-3-year-olds, PAPI) 2018: Field-de Var-de Var-en
Mother and Child (5-6-year-olds, PAPI) 2018: Field-de Var-de Var-en
Parents and Child (7-8-year-olds, PAPI) 2018: Field-de Var-de Var-en
Mother and Child (9-10-year-olds, PAPI) 2018: Field-de Var-de Var-en
Deceased Individual (PAPI) 2018: Field-de Var-de Var-en
Grip Strength 2018: Field-de
Please find all sample specific questionnaires of this year and all questionnaires of previous years on this site
2) SOEP-Core – 2018: Sampling, Nonresponse, and Weighting in the Sample O
3) SOEP-Core v35 – PPATHL: Person-Related Meta-Dataset
5) SOEP-Core v35 – HPATHL: Household-Related Meta-Dataset
6) SOEP-Core v35 – PBRUTTO: Person-Related Gross File
7) SOEP-Core v35 – HBRUTTO: Household-Related Gross File
8) SOEP-Core v35 – PGEN: Person-Related Status and Generated Variables
9) SOEP-Core v35 – HGEN: Household-Related Status and Generated Variables
13) SOEP-Core v35 – BIOPAREN: Biography Information for the Parents of SOEP-Respondents
15) SOEP-Core v35 – BIOSIB: Information on Siblings in the SOEP
17) SOEP-Core v35 – BIOAGE17: The Youth Questionnaire
18) SOEP-Core v35 – BIOSOC: Retrospective Data on Youth and Socialization
19) SOEP-Core v35 – BIOJOB: Detailed Information on First and Last Job
20) SOEP-Core v35 – BIOEDU: Data on Educational Participation and Transitions
21) SOEP-Core v35 – BIORESID: Variables on Occupancy and Second Residence
22) SOEP-Core v35 – BIOBIRTH: A Data Set on the Birth Biography of Male and Female Respondents
23) SOEP-Core v35 – BIOTWIN: TWINS in the SOEP
24) SOEP-Core v35 – PFLEGE: Documentation of Generated Person-level Long-term Care Variables
25) SOEP-Core – 2018: Documentation of the Interviewer Dataset (1984 until 2018)
27) SOEP-Core v35 – LIFESPELL: Information on the Pre- and Post-Survey History of SOEP-Respondents
28) SOEP-Core v35 – MIGSPELL and REFUGSPELL: The Migration-Biographies
29) SOEP-Core v35 – Activity Biography in the Files PBIOSPE and ARTKALEN
30) SOEP-Core v35: Codebook for the EU-SILC-Like Panel for Germany Based on the SOEP
1) Handgreifkraftmessung im Sozio-oekonomischen Panel (SOEP) 2006 und 2008
2) The new IAB-SOEP Migration Sample: an introduction into the methodology and the contents
3) The Request for Record Linkage in the IAB-SOEP Migration Sample
5) The Measurement of Labor Market Entries with SOEP Data: Introduction to the Variable EINSTIEG_ARTK
6) Job submission instructions for the SOEPremote System at DIW Berlin – Update 2014
7) SOEP 2015 – Informationen zu den SOEP-Geocodes in SOEP v32
9) Die Vercodung der offenen Angaben zu den Ausbildungsberufen im Sozio-Oekonomischen Panel
10) Das Studiendesign der IAB-BAMF-SOEP Befragung von Geflüchteten
11) Scales Manual IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees in Germany – revised version
12) SOEP 2010 – Preparation of data from the new SOEP consumption module: Editing, imputation, and smoothing
13) SOEP Scales Manual (updated for SOEP-Core v32.1)
17) Multi-Itemskalen im SOEP Jugendfragebogen
20) SOEP-CoV: Project and Data Documentation
22) SOEP 2013 – Documentation of Generated Person-Level Long-Term Care Variables in PFLEGE
23) SOEP-Core v34 – PFLEGE: Documentation of Generated Person-level Long-term Care Variables
26) SOEP-Core v36: Codebook for the EU-SILC-like panel for Germany based on the SOEP
All documentation for filtering can be found on this page