SOEP-IS: Call for Submissions

News of September 26, 2024

The SOEP Innovation Sample (SOEP-IS) is designed to enable innovative data collection for the research community. It is particularly well suited to establishing new and target-group-specific measurement instruments in long-term surveys, to conducting short- and long-term experiments, and to collecting non-survey data (such as biomarkers).

Researchers who are interested in submitting a proposal for data collection in 2026 should keep the following deadlines in mind: The call for submissions is already open, and if you would like to submit a proposal, you should send an informal expression of interest to by March 31, 2025. If a project is determined to be feasible from a survey methodology perspective, the official submission procedure will follow. The template for proposals must be completed and submitted by April 30, 2025. Questionnaire design will usually start the following fall. Data will be collected starting in 2026. More information can be found here.
