The new wave of SOEP-Core data (v34, 1984-2018) has been released! With this wave, we have completely revised our data provision process. To read more about the improvements awaiting you, click here.
SOEPhelp: A Stata.ado is available for the current dataset, v34. It displays information about datasets and variables directly in the Stata window. More information about the installation and use of SOEPhelp is provided in the SOEPcompanion.
And once again, we would like to highlight our new SOEPcompanion, which is a great help both in explaining the (new) structure of the current data release and generally in working with the SOEP data.
Beside the What’s New section, which is already published on our website, we will be providing you with all other documentation in the weeks to come. Due to work currently underway to redesign our website, you will find this information in the RDC section of our website under “Data and Documentation – SOEP-Core”.
In the last data release, several cases were identified in which interviews for the IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees had not been conducted in line with the IAB-BAMF-SOEP group’s standards. We and the survey research institute responded by implementing additional quality control checks. These checks led to the identification of further interviews that had not been conducted in line with our standards. You can read more about how we have dealt with this here.