Publications Based on SOEP Data: SOEPlit

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  • Who pays the taxes? - The distribution of effective tax burdens in four EU countries

    In: ec TAX Review 5 (1996), 4, 175-188 | C. de Kam, J. de Haan, C. Giles, A. Manresa, E. Berenguer, S. Calonge, J. Merz, Venkatarama
  • Underemployment, overemployment and deterioration of mental health: the role of job rewards

    Objectives Working more (overemployment) or less (underemployment) than preferred has been associated with poor mental health in cross-sectional studies, but longitudinal evidence is scarce. We investigate whether under- and overemployment is associated with 2-year changes of mental health and whether associations vary by job rewards (i.e. high earnings, job security, promotion prospects and occupational ...

    In: International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 91 (2018), 8, 1031-1039 | Deborah De Moortel, Nico Dragano, Christophe Vanroelen, Morten Wahrendorf
  • Life satisfaction and age: Dealing with underidentification in age-period-cohort models

    Recent literature typically finds a U shaped relationship between life satisfaction and age. Age profiles, however, are not identified without forcing arbitrary restrictions on the cohort and/or time profiles. In this paper we report what can be identified about the relationship between life satisfaction and age without applying such restrictions. Also, we identify the restrictions needed to conclude ...

    In: Social Science & Medicine 73 (2011), 1, 177-182 | Joppe de Ree, Rob Alessie
  • Welfare impacts of participation

    Brüssel: European Commission, DG Research, 2015,
    (Deliverable 3.3 of the project: "Impact of the Third Sector as Social Innovation" (ITSSOIN))
    | A. De Wit, René Bekkers, D. Karamat Ali, D. Verkaik
  • Why Are Mothers Working Longer Hours in Austria than in Germany? A Comparative Micro Simulation Analysis

    Berlin: German Institute for Economic Research, 2007,
    (DIW Discussion Paper No. 695)
    | Helene Dearing, Helmut Hofer, Christine Lietz, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer, Katharina Wrohlich
  • Transitions out of Temporary Jobs: Consequences for Employment and Poverty across Europe

    In: Ruud J. A. Muffels , Flexibility and Employment Security in Europe. Labour Markets in Transition
    Cheltenham, Northampton: Edward Elgar
    | Annelies Debels
  • The Evolution of Poverty in the European Union: Concepts, Measurement and Data

    This paper considers the measurement of poverty in the European Union (EU). Starting from a definition of poverty that is suitable for the European context, a flexible measurement framework is proposed based on the Foster-Greer-Thorbecke class of poverty measures. Three key issues need to be addressed in the measurement of poverty. First, one has to determine the appropriate metric of individual well-being. ...

    Antwerpen: ImPRovE Working Papers, 2013,
    (Methodological Paper No. 13/01)
    | Koen Decancq, Tim Goedemé, Karel van den Bosch, Josefine Vanhille
  • The Effects of Education, Parental Background and Ethnic Concentration on Language

    In: The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 37 (1997), Supplement 1, 245-262 | Christian Dustmann
  • Temporary Migration, Human Capital, and Language Fluency of Migrants

    This paper investigates human capital investment of immigrants whose duration in the host country is limited, either by contract or by their own choice. The first part of the paper develops a model which distinguishes between temporary migrations where the return time is exogenous or optimally chosen. The analysis has a number of interesting implications for empirical work, some of which are explored ...

    In: Scandinavian Journal of Economics 101 (1999), 2, 297-314 | Christian Dustmann
  • Children and return migration

    In: Journal of Population Economics 16 (2003), 4, 815-830 | Christian Dustmann