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Publikationen mit SOEP-Daten: SOEPlit

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12975 Ergebnisse, ab 1
  • Social Networks and Health Inequalities in Young and Middle Adulthood

    In this chapter we deal with the health and inequality aspects of networks from a psychological and sociological life span perspective. In doing so, we pay attention to the mutual interactions between health, social inequality, and networks in the context of biographical transitions that decisively shape the life course of adults. We focus exclusively on young and middle adulthood—here roughly defined ...

    In: Andreas Klärner, Markus Gamper, Sylvia Keim-Klärner, Irene Moor, Holger von der Lippe, Nico Vonneilich , Social Networks and Health Inequalities: A New Perspective for Research
    Cham: Springer
    | Holger von der Lippe, Olaf Reis
  • Data from the Panel Study ‘Refugees in the German Educational System (ReGES)’

    The study ‘Refugees in the German Educational System’ is a two-cohort panel addressing the integration of refugee children and adolescents into the German educational system. Data collection followed a multi-informant perspective as well as a multi-mode approach. It started at Wave 1 in January 2018 with a sample of 2,405 refugee children and 2,415 refugee adolescents. Participants were followed over ...

    In: Journal of Open Psychology Data 11 (2023), 1, 1 | Jutta von Maurice, Gisela Will
  • Ungleicher Besitz. Perspektiven einer klassensoziologischen Untersuchung von Vermögen

    Das Schisma zwischen Eigentum und Nicht-Eigentum an Produktivvermögen galt einst als der zentrale Klassengegensatz in kapitalistischen Gesellschaften. In den klassensoziologischen Debatten der letzten Dekaden wurde die Vermögensungleichheit dagegen eher randständig behandelt. In Deutschland besitzt das reichste Prozent der Bevölkerung rund 35 Prozent des gesamten Vermögens, und bis weit in die Mittelschichten ...

    In: Berliner Journal für Soziologie 33 (2023), 1-2, 99-135 | Nora Waitkus
  • Decomposing intersectional inequalities in subjective physical and mental health by sex, gendered practices and immigration status in a representative panel study from Germany

    Background: The mapping of immigration-related health inequalities remains challenging, since immigrant populations constitute a heterogenous socially constructed group whose health experiences differ by social determinants of health. In spite of the increasing awareness that population mobility and its effects on health are highly gendered, an explicit gender perspective in epidemiology is often lacking ...

    In: BMC Public Health 22 (2022), 1, 683 | Lisa Wandschneider, Céline Miani, Oliver Razum
  • For better or worse: How more flexibility in working time arrangements and parental leave experiences affect fathers' working and childcare hours in Germany

    Objective: In this study, we investigate the effect of flexible working time arrangements and parental leave experiences on the actual working and childcare hours of men. Background: Many fathers want to spend more time with their children and actively participate in family life, but, after becoming a parent, most work even more hours than before. To better combine work and family, the possibility ...

    In: Journal of Family Research 34 (2022), 2, 582-614 | Susanne Wanger, Ines Zapf
  • Essays on Adult Education in Germany

    Lifelong learning and adult education are central to adapt to ageing societies, globalization, and automatization. At the same time, causal analyses are scarce in the realm of adult education, mainly because of the voluntary nature of participation and a paucity of high-quality data. After a short motivation and an overview of each chapter in the first chapter, the four essays of this dissertation ...

    2022, | Insa Weilage
  • Zur Erschwinglichkeit von Wohnungsmieten und den sozialpolitischen Folgen

    Anders als den steigenden Neuvertragsmieten in vielen deutschen Großstädten wird den nur langsam steigenden Bestandsmieten wenig Raum in der öffentlichen Debatte um bezahlbaren Wohnraum eingeräumt. In diesem Beitrag zeigen Bernd Raffelhüschen und Sebastian Will auf Basis der Einkommens- und Verbrauchsstichprobe, dass die Einkommen in den zurückliegenden Jahren stärker gestiegen sind als die Bestandsmieten. ...

    In: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 24 (2023), 3, 318-331 | Bernd Raffelhüschen, Sebastian Will
  • Associations of socioeconomic disparities with buccal DNA-methylation measures of biological aging

    Individuals who are socioeconomically disadvantaged are at increased risk for aging-related diseases and perform less well on tests of cognitive function. The weathering hypothesis proposes that these disparities in physical and cognitive health arise from an acceleration of biological processes of aging. Theories of how life adversity is biologically embedded identify epigenetic alterations, including ...

    In: Clinical Epigenetics 15 (2023), 1, 70 | Laurel Raffington, Ted Schwaba, Muna Aikins, David Richter, Gert G. Wagner, Kathryn Paige Harden, Daniel W. Belsky, Elliot M. Tucker-Drob
  • The Big Five Personality Dimensions in Large-Scale Surveys: An Overview of 25 German Data Sets for Personality Research

    In recent decades, the number of large-scale surveys that have included measures of the Big Five personality traits in their standard questionnaires has grown sharply both in Germany and internationally. Consequently, a vast, heterogeneous, high-quality data base is now readily available to personality psychologists for secondary analyses. In this paper, we provide an overview of 25 public large-scale ...

    In: Personality Science 4 (2023), 1-25 | Beatrice Rammstedt, Lena Roemer, Julie Mutschler, Clemens Lechner
  • Work hour mismatches and sickness absence and the moderating role of human resource practices: Evidence from Germany

    Working time mismatches – and especially overemployment – continue to be a highly relevant topic in German legislation, business practice and in research. However, it has been rather neglected in empirical absenteeism research. Therefore, the aim of this study is to examine the relationship between contractual overemployment, that is, the difference between contractual and preferred working hours, ...

    In: German Journal of Human Resource Management 38 (2024), 1, 25-58 | Ricarda Reich
12975 Ergebnisse, ab 1