Construction-Volume Account

The construction volume comprises all domestic construction work in nominal and real terms. On the supply side, the calculation includes contributions from building construction and the finishing trades, the manufacturing industry (metal constructions, prefabricated buildings, electro-technical facilities and installations, etc.), additional construction services (planners, architects, etc.), as well as contributions from the investors.

From the demand side, the calculation includes residential construction, structural and civil engineering for corporations, as well as public structural, road, and other civil engineering. Here new construction work is differentiated from already existing building measures. 
The data collection is currently supported by the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning in the framework of the research initiative "Zukunft Bau" (Future Construction) of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs.

The data on the construction volume are regularly updated. The current table listing includes the results for Germany and the new and old federal states. The real values are based on 2000 prices.

This data collection is available in German.

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