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Infographics of the DIW Weekly 51-52-2024: The infographic is titled "DIW Weekly Report 50+51+52 2024." It presents a bar chart showing the year-on-year GDP growth in Germany from 2019 to 2026. The chart includes the following components: consumption, investments, exports, and imports. Each component is represented by a different color. Title: DIW Weekly Report 50+51+52 2024 Source: DIW Berlin Economic Outlook Winter 2024 X-Axis: Years from 2019 to 2026 Y-Axis: Year-on-year GDP growth in percent, ranging from -8% to 8% Data Points: 2019: -0.3% 2020: 1.4% 2021: 3.7% 2022: -4.1% 2023: 1.0% 2024: -0.2% (forecast) 2025: 0.2% (forecast) 2026: 1.2% (forecast) The chart indicates that the German economy is not expected to pick up speed in the near term, with private consumption and exports not contributing significantly to growth until 2026. The individual components' contributions to overall GDP growth are shown in percentage points.

DIW Economic Outlook

German economy stuck in limbo

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Videorückblick: Scientific Podcasts for Sustainability Transformations - Berlin Science Week

Videorückblick: Scientific Podcasts for Sustainability Transformations - Berlin Science Week

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