DIW Berlin offers a wide range of databases which our indicators and publications are based on.
Every month, DIW Berlin issues its DIW Berlin Economic Barometer, which captures current economic trends in Germany. By forecasting real GDP growth, it reports on the overall development of the country.
Currently, this data collection is only available in German. Please refer to our German site for further information.
DIW Berlin regularly publishes Economic Development Trends as well as spring and winter reports.
Currently, these are only available in German. Please refer to our German site for further information.
DIW Berlin houses the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), a service unit of the Leibniz Association. Since 1984, SOEP has been conducting the most extensive tracking survey of private households and persons in Germany. The panel is responsible for the planning of this longitudinal study and ensures the gathered data is processed and distributed.
Please refer to the SOEP Service Pages for further information.
The Ampel-Monitor Energiewende is currently based on 15 indicators for renewable electricity generation, renewable heat, electromobility, hydrogen and energy consumption. The respective government targets are visualized with the help of interactive graphics and regularly compared with the current status actually achieved. A selection of graphs is shown on this page. For illustration purposes, a linear progression between the status at the beginning of the current legislative period and the respective target year is usually shown, as the exact paths to achieve these targets were often not specified in concrete terms by the government.
Please refer to the Ampel Monitor page for further information.
The construction volume comprises all domestic construction work in nominal and real terms. The data on the construction volume are regularly updated. The data collection is currently supported by the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning in the framework of the research initiative "Zukunft Bau" (Future Construction) of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs.
Please refer to the detail page for further information.
Transport in Figures is an annual report compiled by DLR Institute of Transport Research and DIW Berlin on behalf of the German Ministry of Transport, Building, and Urban Affairs. The compendium presents statistical data on numerous aspects of the German transport sector.