Climate Policy Department

Research profile

The Climate Policy Department analyzes the regulatory framework for the transition to a climate-friendly economy. How can CO2 pricing, electricity market design, funding and financing instruments and various standards and information tools be designed and coordinated?
The analyzes take into account the institutional and technical aspects of selected sectors: (i) in power, the development of wind and solar energy and the further development of the national and European electricity market; (II) in industry, financing and incentives for climate-friendly and production and use of materials (III) and for buildings, thermal retrofit.
The research methods include quantitative and qualitative analyzes, modeling and evaluations. The research approach includes an early dialogue with stakeholders as well as cooperation within an international network of experts. Given the urgency to learn from early experiences, cross-national comparisons receive particular attention.




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Auf dem Bild ist die DIW Forscherin Olga Chiapinelli in einem Interview mit Govtran auf Youtube zu sehen.


Policy design for decarbonisation & GPP as tool for EU climate futures – interview with Olga Chiappinelli

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