DIW Economic Bulletin 3/4 / 2017
The initial fiscal costs associated with refugee integration are quite high—but as more and more refugees join the labor force, a reduction in ongoing welfare costs and an increase in government revenue will result. Against this background, the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) in Nuremberg and DIW Berlin conducted a joint investigation (funded by the German Federal Ministry of Labor and Social ...
2017| Stefan Bach, Herbert Brücker, Peter Haan, Agnese Romiti, Kristina van Deuverden, Enzo Weber
DIW Economic Bulletin 34/35 / 2016
Non-compulsory educational programs including extracurricular school activities, child day care centers, and non-formal educational programs, such as sports or music activities outside of school, make an important contribution to social integration. But to what extent do children and their families actually make use of these voluntary programs? On the basis of the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) and the ...
2016| C. Katharina Spieß, Franz Westermaier, Jan Marcus
DIW Economic Bulletin 34/35 / 2016
In Germany, the majority of people tend to find work through friends, acquaintances, and relatives when they first enter the labor market or switch jobs. The same applies to immigrants and their offspring. Integrating refugees into the labor market is considered crucial to their overall integration into society, yet little is known about how they land their first jobs. The present paper attempts to ...
2016| Philipp Eisnecker, Diana Schacht
DIW Economic Bulletin 34/35 / 2016
It has taken longer for refugees who have been living in Germany for some time, particularly those who arrived between 1990 and 2010, to take up gainful employment than other migrants. These findings are based on data from the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) and the IAB-SOEP Migration Sample. In addition, these refugees show a higher rate of unemployment and earn lower incomes by comparison even years ...
2016| Zerrin Salikutluk, Johannes Giesecke, Martin Kroh
DIW Economic Bulletin 34/35 / 2016
Whether they’re looking to participate in social life, enter the German labor market, or obtain relevant training certificates, learning German is a critical part of integration for the majority of refugees—and yet only a handful of studies have examined their language acquisition patterns and skill levels. The IAB-SOEP Migration Sample, which was collected by the Institute for Employment Research ...
2016| Elisabeth Liebau, Diana Schacht
DIW Economic Bulletin 34/35 / 2016
Academic and vocational qualifications play a crucial role when it comes to successfully integrating refugees and other migrants into society. What qualifications did migrants already acquire in their country of origin and which did they obtain in Germany? And to what extent are qualifications gained abroad recognized in Germany? The IAB-SOEP Migration Sample shows that the majority of the migrant ...
2016| Elisabeth Liebau, Zerrin Salikutluk
DIW Economic Bulletin 34/35 / 2016
2016| Philipp Eisnecker, Johannes Giesecke, Martin Kroh, Elisabeth Liebau, Jan Marcus, Zerrin Salikutluk, Diana Schacht, C. Katharina Spieß, Franz Westermaier
Sonstige Publikationen des DIW / Aufsätze 2017
In Germany, the majority of people tend to find work through friends, acquaintances, and relatives when they first enter the labor market or switch jobs. The same applies to immigrants and their offspring. Integrating refugees into the labor market is considered crucial to their overall integration into society, yet little is known about how they land their first jobs. The present paper attempts to ...
2017| Philipp Eisnecker, Diana Schacht
Other refereed essays
Aktuell besteht eine der zentralen politischen Aufgaben in der Integration von Geflüchteten in die Gesellschaft. Integration setzt sich aus Teilprozessen, wie dem Erlernen der deutschen Sprache oder der Arbeitsmarkteinbindung, zusammen. In diesem Bericht betrachten wir diese Teilprozesse für Geflüchtete, die vor allem zwischen 1990 und 2010, nach Deutschland einreisten.
Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik
66 (2017), 1, S. 29-35
| Martin Kroh, Zerrin Salikutluk, Diana Schacht, Elisabeth Liebau, Johannes Giesecke