September 17 - 18, 2013


SOEPcampus@Universität Bamberg 2013
International SOEP User Workshop


September 17 - 18, 2013


Universität Bamberg

The SOEP in cooperation with Johannes Giesecke (University of Bamberg) and the Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) will be organizing an international workshop (in English).

The workshop offers participants the opportunity to gain a broad, well-grounded understanding of how to work with the SOEP data. In addition to providing an overview of the structure and possibilities for analysis offered by the SOEP, the workshop will focus on questions about the sample and weighting, international comparisons based on the SOEP, and intergenerational analysis. Participation is free of charge.
If you are interested, please contact SOEP team member Christine Kurka at

