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Future Power Market Platform

Current Project


Climate Policy

Project Management

Karsten Neuhoff

Project Period

April 1, 2013

Funded by

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Funding Number: 03MAP274 and 03MAP316

The Future Power Market Platform brings together consists of experts and decision-makers from both public and private sector across Europe who are prioritizing market design and regulatory mechanism development in their working agendas.

It was initiated in 2013 and funded in the period from April 2013 till April 2016 by the Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and from October 2015 till September 2018 by the Federal Ministry for Economy and Energy. In this period, David Newbery (Director of EPRG, Emeritus Professor of Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge), Jean-Michel Glachant (Director of the Florence School of Regulation and Director of Loyola de Palacio Energy Policy Programme) and José Ignacio Pérez Arriaga (Professor of Electrical Engineering at UPC Madrid and permanent Visiting Professor at MIT) served as academic advisory board.

Since 2023 the Future Power Market Platform is organized jointly by:

  • Anthony Papavasiliou, National Technical University of Athens
  • Christian Nabe
  • Karsten Neuhoff, DIW Berlin and Technical University Berlin, Franziska Klaucke and Mats Kröger, DIW Berlin
  • Konstantin Staschus
  • Lisa Ryan, University College Dublin
  • Luis Olmos, Universidad Pontificia Comillas
  • Silvia Vitiello, Joint Research Centre of the European Comission in Ispra

Meeting summaries

  • December 19, 2023

    Future Power Market Platform

    Workshop "How can individual MS or groups of MS pilot locational pricing?"

    Speaker: Karsten Neuhoff, Franziska Klaucke
    Location: Brussels
    Crowne Plaza Brussels – Le Palace
    Rue Gineste 3
    1210 Brussels
    Time: 09:00 - 17:00

    Objective With the strong emphasis on the energy only market reflected in the winter package - we want to revisit hedging and futures markets as the key element for a functioning energy-only market. In particular, we are interested to explore how they will likely evolve in a 2030 perspective with increasing shares of wind and solar power and complementing flexibility options in the system (such ...

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  • September 21, 2023

    Future Power Market Platform

    Workshop on Contracts for Differences

    Speaker: Karsten Neuhoff, Mats Kröger
    Location: Elinor Ostrom Hall
    DIW Berlin
    Mohrenstr. 58
    10117 Berlin
    Time: 09:00 - 17:00

    For the success of the energy transition, sufficient attractiveness in capital markets and availability of financing for both transmission and distribution grid expansion are crucial. However, in a nodal pricing regime, network operator revenues potentially fluctuating with congestion conditions add complexity to the revenue streams and thus to financing. In addition, the financial effects on ...

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  • March 22, 2019

    Future Power Market Platform

    Workshop on Hedging and Futures Markets

    Speaker: Gauthier de Maere (Tractebel), Rickard Nilsson (Nordpool), Andras Hujber (DG Energy), Andreas Flamm (Entelios), Paul Giesbertz (Statkraft), Felix Hulsch (Enertrag), Marcus Bokermann (Vattenfall), Arne Matthias Weber (RWE), Maximilian Rinck (EPEX), , Jörn C. Richstein, Karsten Neuhoff
    Location: Elinor Ostrom Hall
    DIW Berlin
    Mohrenstr. 58
    10117 Berlin
    Time: 09:00 - 16:30

    Objective With the strong emphasis on the energy only market reflected in the winter package - we want to revisit hedging and futures markets as the key element for a functioning energy-only market. In particular, we are interested to explore how they will likely evolve in a 2030 perspective with increasing shares of wind and solar power and complementing flexibility options in the system (such ...

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  • September 24, 2018

    Future Power Market Platform

    Workshop on Zonal and Nodal Co-Existence

    Speaker: Andreas Ehrenmann, Maximilan Rinck, Konrad Purchala, Christian Nabe, Julian Dyer , Jörn C. Richstein, Karsten Neuhoff
    Location: Elinor Ostrom Hall
    DIW Berlin
    Mohrenstr. 58
    10117 Berlin

    The question posed in this workshop is not whether zonal or nodal is better - but in the case some countries wish to go to a nodal system, how would that interact with the neighboring electricity markets. Interested countries argue that under subsidiarity it is in their freedom to decide how strong to build their internal networks to avoid constraints or use smaller pricing zones or nodal pricing ...

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  • January 10, 2018

    Future Power Market Platform

    Workshop on TSO-DSO-PX Cooperation II

    Speaker: Gianluigi Migliavacca, Alberto Latorre, Marco Baldini, Jose Pablo Chaves Avila, Jörn C. Richstein, Karsten Neuhoff
    Location: L'Autorità per l'energia elettrica il gas
    Piazza Cavour 5
    20121 Milan

    Increasing shares of active consumers, distributed generators, new flexibility providers on the distribution network lead a need of coordination between TSO, DSOs and power exchanges.  In this workshop we would like to extend the discussion we had in Mannheim, and ask with more detail the question: What needs to be considered in the market design to coordinate producers, consumers, and ...

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  • July 11, 2017

    Future Power Market Platform

    Workshop on TSO-DSO-PX Cooperation

    Speaker: Scott Burger, Samson Yemane Hadush, Guillaume Leclerq, Jörn C. Richstein, Karsten Neuhoff
    Location: MVV
    Luisenring 49
    68159 Mannheim

    Increasing shares of distributed energy resources create new questions on coordination between TSOs, DSOs and PX on facilitating and implementing wholesale markets, balancing and congestion management. For example, how to coordinate TSO and DSO requests on distributed flexibility for balancing and congestion management, and how to facilitate participation of distributed flexibility resources in ...

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  • February 17, 2017

    Future Power Market Platform

    Workshop on Coordinated Balancing

    Speaker: Julian Dyer, Markus Riegler, Frank Nobel, Pablo Rodilla, Jörn C. Richstein, Karsten Neuhoff
    Location: DIW Berlin im Quartier 110
    Mohrenstraße 58
    10117 Berlin

    Following our recent debates about intraday markets and implicit auctions, we want to link back to the period post ID gate closure and focus on balancing markets. Article 5 of the proposed new regulation on the internal electricity market envisages that "Marginal pricing shall be used for the settlement of balancing energy. Market participants shall be allowed to bid as close to real time as ...

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  • October 4, 2016

    Future Power Market Platform

    Workshop on Auctions for Intraday Trading

    Speaker: Fabrizio Carboni, Philippe Vassilopoulos, Julia Bellenbaum, Anthony Papavasiliou, Jörn C. Richstein, Karsten Neuhoff
    Location: RTE
    terrasse Bellini – La Défense
    Tour initiale – 1

    In the last FPM on the blueprint for a European market design intraday auctions with capability bids were identified as a promising next step to further integrate European power markets. Intraday auctions are foreseen by the CACM regulation at regional level as a complementary measure to the continuous trading. Intraday auctions can increase depth and liquidity of intraday markets and provide a ...

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