"A variety of measures and initiatives can accelerate the immigration process for today’s refugees": five questions to Martin Kroh

Report of September 7, 2016

Prof. Kroh, DIW Berlin analyzed 2013 survey data on refugees who, for the most part, came to Germany between 1990 and 2010. How many of those refugees were employed in Germany at the time of the survey?

In the group we analyzed, approximately two thirds of all male refugees reported finding a job within the first five years of their arrival in Germany. This share was considerably smaller among female refugees: only one out of every four had found a job in the same time span. Overall, more refugees than other migrants were still unemployed even years after their arrival in Germany. [...]

The interview with Martin Kroh is published in DIW Economic Bulletin 34-35/2016 (PDF, 98.62 KB) 

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