The DIW Berlin is happy to invite you to join the presentation of the first release of the World Inequality Report conducted by the internationally leading inequality experts centered around Thomas Piketty and Gabriel Zucman.
Economic inequality is widespread and has been growing since the 1980s questioning economic growth policies over the world. The report will be introduced by its general director Lucas Chancel. Thereafter, Charlotte Bartels will present her findings on the evolution of economic inequality in Germany from 1871 to 2013, summarized in the German chapter in the World Inequality Report. Albeit the big political and economic changes affecting Germany over the past 150 years, inequality remained surprisingly stable. In a podium discussion, Lucas Chancel, Charlotte Bartels, and Hartmut Kaelble will discuss long-term implications of rising inequality for the world and Germany.
Please find here the executive summary of the World Inequality Report 2018