Press reports

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356 results, from 341
  • Press Release

    Berlin muss Konsolidierungspolitik fortsetzen. DIW Berlin zur wirtschaftlichen Zukunft Berlins

    Berlin has no other alternative but to continue its strict policy of consolidation. Despite the fact that cost-cutting measures greatly curb regional economic trends, the DIW Berlin advises strict compliance with these measures in its current weekly report 10/2002. However, no further cuts should be made in the budgets for education, science and culture, as these sectors have a promising future and ...

  • Press Release

    Euroframe: Prospects for the European Economies 2001/2002

    The World Environment· The September 11th attacks on the United States and the consequent combat against international terrorism have clouded the short-term outlook for the world economy. · World economic growth had already slowed considerably from the final quarter of last year. Monetary tightening in reaction to persistent high growth rates in the US was partly responsible. · A further deepening ...

  • Press Release

    Terrorist Attacks Reinforce Cyclical Downswing - Recovery not Before Next Year

    The economies of the United States and of the rest of the world were hit by the attacks of 11 September during a phase of pronounced cyclical weakness. Pro-vided there are no additional massive terrorist attacks, there is no extension of the conflict, and there is no reduction of petroleum supplies, a world-wide re-covery that also gives new impetus to world trade may be expected from the first half ...

  • Press Release

    Rohölpreise beruhigt, aber Unsicherheit bleibt. DIW Berlin erwartet Preise im OPEC-Zielkorridor

    Prices for crude oil will probably soon again be levelling out between 22 to 28 dollars per barrel, a price span that is also favoured by the OPEC. However, prices are expected to level off at the upper edge of the span. In its current weekly report 39/2001 the DIW Berlin points out that such a price level may be too high in view of the current situation of the global economy. It is, therefore, also ...

  • Press Release

    EU-Osterweiterung finanzierbar -Reformdruck wächst. DIW Berlin stellt EU-Haushaltsszenarien 2007 und 2013 vor

    The planned enlargement of the EU to include the twelve candidate countries can be financed without any problems: this is the conclusion that the DIW Berlin reaches in its current Wochenbericht 36/2001. Nevertheless, the Institute calls upon current EU members to begin now with the reform of structural and agricultural policy in the run-up to enlargement. Such reforms are long overdue and would be ...

  • Press Release

    Wohnsituation von Ausländern. DIW Berlin: Trotz Verbesserung immer noch großer Abstand zu deutschen Haushalten

    Housing conditions for foreigners have clearly improved since the end of 1985 in West-Germany. At that time about 15% of foreign households had no bathroom. This number fell to 2% in 1998. In addition to that the number of households without central heating fell to 16% which is a cut by half. Each foreigner has about 31 square meters at his disposal, three square meters more than in 1985.

  • Press Release

    Forschungs- und Innovationssysteme in Europa.DIW Berlin zur Rolle von privaten und öffentlichen Forschungseinrichtungen

    Innovation depends on cooperation between different institutes and the business sector. Division of labour between subsidised institutes on the one hand, which are more heavily engaged in pure research, and private service industries on the other which are more focussed on rendering production-related consultancy and implementing services is a precondition for achieving a higher level of innovation ...

  • Press Release

    Deutsches Wirtschaftswachstum eingebrochen:Nur noch 1,0 % in diesem Jahr.DIW Berlin stellt Sommer-Grundlinien 2001/2002 vor

    The German GDP will only grow by 1% this year. A noticeably economic recovery and an economic growth of 2,3% can not be expected until next year. This conclusion is reached by the DIW Berlin in its summer-baselines on the economic development 2001/2002. The eurozone, too, is expected to show a slower economic expansion this year; the GDP will only increase by 1,9%. An economic recovery is not expected ...

  • Press Release

    EWU-Konjunktur ohne Dynamik. DIW Berlin: Wachstum wird sich noch weiter verlangsamen

    The economic downturn in the eurozone has continued in the first quarter of 2001. In its weekly report 26/2001 the DIW Berlin concludes that the seasonally adjusted real gross domestic product has only increased by 0,5 % in the first quarter of 2001; which boils down to an annual growth rate of 2%. The accelerated rise in prices, which was a bar to the spending power of private households and investments, ...

  • Press Release

    US-Wirtschaft im Abschwung: Wirtschaftspolitik steuert massiv gegen.DIW Berlin bezeichnet Geldpolitik der Fed als ...

    The determined and expansionary measures taken by the US-American economic policy give rise to the assumption that the heavy slide in the economic activity will not result in a recession but will be overcome as early as this year. This conclusion was reached by the DIW Berlin in its latest weekly report 23/2001. It is above all the Fed's promotion of growth and employment that gives a positive ...

  • Press Release

    Wohnungsmarkt in Russland: Enttäuschende Bilanz

    Conditions on the Russian housing market have barely improved since the transformation of the country. Although the housing market grew by 13,8% to 2761 Mio m² in the 1990s there was also an increase in the number of households (homecoming soldiers, increasing divorce rates). Since flats in most regions are no longer distributed by the state there are hardly any reliable data on the number of persons ...

  • Press Release

    Die Lage der Weltwirtschaft und der deutschen Wirtschaft im Frühjahr 2001

    The global expansion has slowed down noticeably since the middle of the year 2000. At the same time, a phase of especially high dynamics came to an end. On the one hand, it was decisive that the increase in oil prices stemmed economic activity. On the other hand, monetary policy slowed down in order to reduce the high pace of the economy by the middle of the year and to decrease accelerated inflation. ...

  • Press Release

    Privater Konsum in Deutschland: Dämpfung durch Ölverteuerung nach der Jahresmitte 2000 DIW Berlin: Trotz Steuerreform ...

    Despite tax reform: stimulation of economy put at risk in 2001Germany faced a slow increase in consumption last year. Particularly in the second half of 2000 consumption slowed down. This was due to weaker income impulses which were caused by weaker income impulses and an enormous rise in oil prices leading to extra costs in private households. Therefore, the private consumption only increased by 1,6 ...

  • Press Release

    Rohölpreise bleiben zunächst hochDIW Berlin rechnet mit einem Preis von 22 bis 28 Dollar je Barrel

    The OPEC will succeed in keeping the prices for crude oil between 22 and 28 dollars per barrel. This conclusion is reached by the DIW in its weekly report. The OPEC's announcement to clearly cut back crude oil production as well as low stocks, particularly in the USA, have stopped a further drop-off in prices.

  • Press Release

    Unbefristete Vollzeitbeschäftigung: Häufigste Erwerbsform in EuropaDIW Berlin: Dänischer Arbeitsmarkt kann Vorbild für ...

    There is no erosion of the average contracts of employment in the German labour market states the DIW Berlin in its latest weekly report. The part time occupations and temporary jobs hold an increasing proportion in the labour market, though, not at the expense of full time jobs. More and more people work part-time, a tendency which can be observed throughout Europe.

  • Press Release

    Erfolgreiche Hilfe bei internationalen FuE-AktivitätenInternationale Kontaktbüros Forschungskooperation: wichtige ...

    In its weekly report the DIW Berlin took positive stock of the initiative International Liaison Offices Research-Co-operations, an initiative which was started by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in 1995 and which was continued by the Federal Ministry of Economics in 1999.

356 results, from 341