Notes for authors

Submission of papers

For publication in the series of DIW discussion papers the following may be submitted: Papers by DIW employees, DIW research professors and directors, DIW research affiliates and guest scientists who have spent at least one week at DIW Berlin and thank DIW Berlin in a footnote.    
Papers submitted will be sent in electronic form to the head of the relevant department at DIW Berlin. It is checked by an internal referee procedure whether or not the paper is likely to be published in a refereed journal. A decision on publication will then be made on the basis of a referee report. Should a paper have already been accepted for a publication by a refereed SSCI magazine or have received an invitation to a re-submission in a first-class journal, it will appear immediately without a referee procedure.

Papers must be accompanied by an abstract, the JEL-classification and keywords as well as the complete author’s contact information. For external authors, affiliation with DIW Berlin has to be clearly indicated (e.g. DIW Research Professor).

Publication process and editing

For questions on the publication process please address the competent head of department or Peter Haan telephone -247 who approves all papers.

Questions on the technical editing will be answered by Anja Kehmeier, telephone -462 and Katja Buro, telephone -449.

Discussion papers may be downloaded at no charge as full text versions from the website of DIW Berlin. They can also be found at RePEc. Authors may also have their papers appear in discussion paper series of other institutes if their DIW membership is identifiable. 

