A world of unequal carbon prices requires measures aimed at preventing carbon leakage. Climate policy imperatives demand that such measures must be compatible with the goal of sending a carbon price signal down the value chain. For carbon intensive materials, the combination of dynamic free allocation combined with Inclusion of Consumption (IoC) into emissions trading systems such as the European Union ...
2016| Roland Ismer, Manuel Haussner, Karsten Neuhoff, William Acworth
After the Paris Climate Agreement, it is anticipated that carbon prices will differ across regions for some time. If countries use free allowance allocation as carbon leakage protection, only a fraction of carbon prices are passed through to consumers particularly by carbon intensive materials producers. Adding a consumption charge based on benchmarks applied to the material content can reinstate the ...
2016| Stefan Pauliuk, Karsten Neuhoff, Anne Owen, Richard Wood
Climate Strategies,
42 S.
(Overview Paper / Climate Strategies)
| Susanna Roth, Lars Zetterberg, William Acworth, Hannah-Liisa Kangas, Karsten Neuhoff, Vera Zipperer
Climate Strategies,
14 S.
(Report / Climate Strategies)
| Karsten Neuhoff, Roland Ismer, William Acworth, Andrzej Ancygier, Carolyn Fischer, Manuel Haussner, Hanna-Liisa Kangas, Yong-Gun Kim, Clayton Munnings, Anne Owen, Stephan Pauliuk, Oliver Sartor, Misato Sato, Jan Stede, Thomas Sterner, Michael Tervooren, Ruud Tusveld, Richard Wood, Zhang Xiliang, Lars Zetterberg, Vera Zipperer