December 1, 2021

SOEP Brown Bag Seminar

Mask wearing, pro-social behavior and wellbeing


December 1, 2021


Online seminar via Cisco Webex


Alan Piper, Paris School of Economics and Freie Universität Berlin
Using COME-HERE longitudinal data from 2021, this investigation links mask wearing, prosocial behaviour, and well-being. Given that mask wearing has positive externality properties, wearing one can be seen as pro-social behaviour. Individuals are categorised into three groups based on a comparison between their own mask wearing frequency and what is required by law. Those who wear their mask more than recommended have more well-being than those who wear their mask as recommended who, in turn, have more well-being than those who wear their mask less than recommended.

The COME-HERE (COVID-19 MEntal HEalth, REsilience and self-regulation) dataset is created and administered by the University of Luxembourg and conducted by Qualtrics. So far there are six waves, with wave 1 taking place in April 2020, and over 30,000 person-wave observations. The countries the dataset covers are France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden. Information about projects using this dataset can be found here:

Topics: Health , Well-being
