Incentive Regulation, Employment, and Network Investments

Completed Project

Project Management

Jochen Diekmann

Commissioned by


In Cooperation With

Prof. Dr. Uwe Leprich, Saarbrücken
The amendment of the German Energy Act 2005 has introduced a regulation of electricity and gas networks which replaces negotiated third-party access. The Energy Act assigned the task of regulating to the Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railway. The regulation begins with a cost oriented approach and benchmarking. In addition, the Energy Act allows for the introduction of an incentive regulation in the near future. For this purpose the Federal Network Agency has to prepare a realizable concept until mid 2006. On this basis the German government will decide, whether and when an incentive regulation should be established in Germany. This research project aims to contribute to this scientific and political discussion, focusing on international regulation experience and impacts on employment.