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Regionalisation of socio-economic development trajectories

Completed Project

Project Period

January 1, 2007 - December 31, 2010

Commissioned by

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

In Cooperation With

TU Berlin, PIK Potsdam, UFZ Leipzig

Part of the joint project „Effects of global change on the hydrologic cycle in the Elbe region - risks and options"

Here: main economic and population data up to 2020

In recent years, the Elbe region has undergone a profound change in social and economic structures. At the same time, it registers a shift in climatic conditions. These global changes confront water management with wide-ranging issues and challenges. Against this background, the joint project GLOWA-Elbe focuses on the identification of potential solutions as well as the development of adaptation strategies. The current and third phase of the project is primarily concerned with the provision of practical solutions that will help to adapt the Elbe region's water management to the challenges of global change, based on the modelled results of the integrative methodical approach (IMA).

DIW Team
