Dr. Fabian Seyrich

Dr. Fabian Seyrich

Research Associate of the Macroeconomics Department

Research Associate of Forecasting and Economic Policy

Fabian Seyrich obtained his bachelor degree in Economics from the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. Throughout his bachelor studies he held tutorials in Microeconomics, Intermediate Microeconomics and Mathematics for Economists. Fabian continued with the master in Economics at the Freie Universität Berlin which included an exchange semester at the University of Melbourne. During his master studies Fabian held tutorials in Macroeconomics for Managers at the University of Melbourne and worked as student assistant at the Chair of Macroeconomics and at the Chair of International Finance of the ESCP Europe. In his master thesis, Fabian analyzed how the replacement of the representative household by heterogeneous households generated by incomplete markets changes the sizes of the government consumption multiplier in a New Keynesian model. For his thesis, Fabian won the Prize in "Monetary Macroeconomics". His research interests is mainly focussed in the field of macroeconomics, particularly in fiscal and monetary policy and in DSGE models.



Diskussionspapiere 2080 / 2024

Bad Luck or Bad Decisions? Macroeconomic Implications of Persistent Heterogeneity in Cognitive Skills and Overconfidence

2024| Oliver Pfäuti, Fabian Seyrich, Jonathan Zinman
Diskussionspapiere 2056 / 2023

Hicks in HANK: Fiscal Responses to an Energy Shock

2023| Christian Bayer, Alexander Kriwoluzky, Gernot J. Müller, Fabian Seyrich
DIW Weekly Report 29/30/31 / 2023

Despite Crises, the Stability of the Euro Is Rooted in the Middle Class

2023| Christian Bayer, Alexander Kriwoluzky, Gernot Müller, Fabian Seyrich
DIW Wochenbericht 29 / 2023

Für die Mittelschicht ist es fast egal, ob man in einer Währungsunion ist oder nicht: Interview

2023| Fabian Seyrich, Erich Wittenberg
DIW Wochenbericht 29 / 2023

Trotz Krisen: Die Stabilität des Euro liegt in der Mittelschicht begründet

2023| Christian Bayer, Alexander Kriwoluzky, Gernot Müller, Fabian Seyrich
Externe Monographien

Five Essays in Macroeconomics

Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin, 2024, XXV, 261 S. | Fabian Seyrich
Refereed essays Web of Science

A HANK2 Model of Monetary Unions

In: Journal of Monetary Economics 147 (2024), 103579, 15 S. | Christian Bayer, Alexander Kriwoluzky, Gernot J. Müller, Fabian Seyrich



A Behavioral Heterogeneous Agent New Keynesian Model

Fabian Seyrich, Oliver Pfäuti
Berlin, 16.12.2022 - 18.12.2022
| 2022 European Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society: EWMES 2022

A Behavioral Heterogeneous Agent New Keynesian Model

Fabian Seyrich, Oliver Pfäuti
Oslo, Norwegen, 24.11.2022
| The Heterogeneous Effects of Macro Shocks and Policies: Norges Bank Oslo

A Behavioral Heterogeneous Agent New Keynesian Model

Fabian Seyrich, Oliver Pfäuti
Cambridge, USA [Hybrid], 11.11.2022 - 29.06.2022
| Monetary Economics Program Meeting: NBER [Hybrid]

A Behavioral Heterogeneous Agent New Keynesian Model

Fabian Seyrich, Oliver Pfäuti
Mannheim, 13.10.2022
| Universität Mannheim

A Behavioral Heterogeneous Agent New Keynesian Model

Fabian Seyrich, Oliver Pfäuti
Barcelona School of Economics [Online], 05.10.2022 - 06.10.2022
| 1st PhD Workshop on Expectations in Macroeconomics

Research Projects

Research Project

Distributional Effects of Macroeconomic Policies in Europe

Current Project| Macroeconomics, Forecasting and Economic Policy
Research Project

Distributional Effects of Macroeconomic Policies in Europe

Current Project| Macroeconomics, Forecasting and Economic Policy