Wegekosten und Wegekostendeckung des Straßen- und Schienenverkehrs in Deutschland im Jahre 2007

Completed Project

Project Management

Heike Link

Commissioned by


The study analyses methods for calculating and allocating infrastructure costs (costs of construction, maintenance and operation of transport infrastructure) and estimates infrastructure costs and infrastructure revenues for road and rail in Germany in 2007. The methodology used is based on the principles laid down in the so-called Enquête Comission on Infrastructure Costs of the Federal Transport Ministry but develops the methodology further in the light of new international research in the field. The methodology is internationally comparable and meets the requirements of the EU regulation 2006/38/EG on infrastructure costs. The empirical results of the study enable to analyse cost recovery rates and self-financing of road and rail, to compare cost recovery rates between modes and between user groups within a specific mode. Furthermore, the results contributes to the ongoing debate on the level of road infrastructure charges in Germany.

DIW Team
